Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Thank you for the trust. :man_bowing:
The power of the kick drum and how much slight tweak in midbass audibly impacts it…and many others. :white_check_mark:
No, I bought but later cancelled my order of Crimson


Maybe thieaudio should pay HBB for this. You and me both buy MMk3 because of him.




Next Collab when? I need me a HBB tribrid, or a Quartet with HBB tuning.


Working on a tribrid.
Going through it’s 3rd revision right now. :100:


:+1: doing it right not doing it fast


Also Mahina was a tribrid - and it’s excellent:


Yup, taking a lot into consideration and the release date target was scrapped…it’ll be done when its done


I buy a lot iems because of hbb. He does fantastic work. The more I know the more I respect.


Appreciate the trust :pray: :musical_note:


It’s helps too that HBB is one of the few voices in the hobby that doesn’t seem to have an allergic reaction to any amount of bass. 🫨
Just want to say also that I got the Hype 2 based on your recommendation and couldn’t be happier with the purchase. :pray:


Big thanks for the trust :pray: :musical_note:
I’ll just keep using my library and bass guitars and kick drums and keep pushin :musical_note:
Thanks again for the trust :100:


Any word on what % is going to Whale conservation??
Is it $1 per pair?
Is it a %
When do they pay?
How do they share that?
When do they share that?


They don’t directly commit to anything - from further down:

“Hidizs is closely collaborating with WDC and plans to invest more effort in advocating for the protection of global biodiversity and the restoration of the natural ecological environment, together with WDC and other environmental conservation organizations. Humans have originated from nature, and we should cherish and protect all the beautiful natural species. Protecting nature is safeguarding the future of humanity.”

So… marketing + $$$$$? Who knows - would be a good question to ask.

Also in the background section:

“After multiple efforts and attempts, the Hidizs team established a strong communication channel with the WDC (Whale & Dolphin Conservation) organization. With the expert guidance of WDC, the Hidizs team, inspired by the biological features and visual aesthetics of whales, innovatively designed distinctive and artistically pleasing in-ear monitors – the MP145. The goal was to jointly raise awareness for whale and marine ecosystem conservation among those who cherish nature.”

Nothing in their financials from 2022, so must be recent (

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I was approached on July 24th
Asked about the Whale support/said that was of interest.
never got any detail at all as the rest of their comments to me were about the IEM w/ no detail about how buying this set benefited whales as much as them linking themselves with the idea was helping them

I ignored em after they didn’t elaborate on its most appealing point
Everyone in the hobby knows I’m big into animal rescue donations (cats/dogs)

The amount/ and timing should be as easy to find as the reviewer vids they are linking to
Did any of the reviewers elaborate?
if so I’ll edit this post
Seems like…at 1st blush. tying yourself to a cause for your own benefit without being clear on how exactly the buyers participation benefits the whales


The purchase of this IEM only benefits Hidizs and probably won’t save a single whale. I suddenly lost interest.
I’m actually not sure if this IEM isn’t a S12pro at a higher price. :thinking:

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Why are the specifics of the donation the hardest to find and only being announced after the campaign?

Can you explain why the biggest angle
(no offense but planars have saturated the market already)
Why is every single detail of this set very clear except the biggest angle and why is that announced after the campaign?
If it is a % the sales # does not matter
If it is a dollar for each unit sold…sales # don’t matter
In fact…disclosure may help with sales and you know that.
What’s the deal?


Hypothesis 1 : the details of the deal is complicated (%age of donation changes with number of sales for example) so they don’t want to announce any amount before it is settled.

Hypothesis 2: that’s a Chinese cultural thing that makes them speak about the amount once it is defined

Hypothesis 3 : things aren’t completely settled/defined/arranged with WDC

Hypothesis 4 : this communication was handled by a trainee, and his/her referent overlooked the whole thing because “I have more important things to do”

Hypothesis 5 : the amount is so low the don’t dare sharing it

Hypothesis 6 : hidiz really don’t care and only see the marketing benefice for them

I think hidiz being so clumzy is more tied to marketing incompetence than a will of profit with no consciousness of the real deal.

I wouldn’t buy a set of iem because of any “good cause” link anyway, but when you add such a level of marketing misbehaviour, I just want to run away even if the set got any interest from me.

Chi-fi company should really up their game in international marketing, cause they demonstrate they lack of understanding in the matter each time they try to do something else than putting a waifu on the box.


Might be benign - raising funds for charity is against kickstarter rules:

[Third check] Projects can’t fundraise for charity.

While nonprofits are welcome to launch projects on Kickstarter, projects can’t promise to raise funds to donate to a charity or cause. Funds raised on Kickstarter must go towards facilitating the project outlined by the creator on the project page.

Seems like they could be more forthcoming but they’re probably waiting for the campaign to end before they announce.