Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Nice avatar too. Some classic shit right there

giphy (58)


Because of a particular way my ear does things (at least for IEMs, might be different with headphones) I’ve always given Grados, even the hemp, a skip because of the 2k peak.

This Joker slope and peak are like nothing else I’ve seen, jeepers! With no low end to balance… it’s pretty incredible that in a closed cup they could keep the bass so low, but why would they given the rest of the graph?

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It is one of the worse headphones I have heard in years. No need to yap that in a video but yeah…man they are using crap drivers and tuning it seems. Not just bad tuning (IMO w/my library) but the driver sounds like crap.


with a bass roll-off like it has, in a closed back, it means the shell is not good.

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Closed backs are cursed it seems. If I need isolation I just go iem. Mark didn’t like it either. Thanks for the review.

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There’s a side vent on one side, some modding potential maybe to help with upper mids. But yes, shell/drivers are not great. Tuning by itself isn’t the dealbreaker.

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Someone can save the tuning but the drivers are crap.
I feel like these werent meant for us…by “us” I mean music lovers.


Man. That’s the kiss of death.



Boom Boom


Its big fun , and actually sounds good what the Legato tried to be for $79 and KZ actualy accieved for $14 but more musicaly.

I added the nozzle filter and loving this with 1100. Big boom big fun.


$15 now early burd deal is overr but who cares best KZ to date for the black bassy version. Silver version is more tame vocals sound actually good.
Fun suprise set.

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Ya gonna have to do a top five money tree Dap off and a top five working/family mans top 5 too :pray::+1:


I’m so blown away…

A story , a true story:

Mike Brown, older brother of my classmate Aaron was in a car with 5 others that went into a tree while they were joy riding (too fast)
Everyone died…except Mike 14 or 15 years old??
Straightest kid of the group. Went over the edge, became a dope dealer a dropout and died before 25.
He told me this song was playing and i forever link him and this song.
He loved animals and was a good kid. Survivors guilt? he wasn’t driving…
No idea.
Music is memories, not pictures, music.
Def Leppard “Bringing on the Heartbreak” is Mike Brown (R.I.P)


Moondrop DSP cable - 169 RMB, would probably translate to 29$. 6 band EQ, nice looking cable (looks like Xinhs Graphene 4-core) and app as well. Probably would be a killer deal unless the APP works in the end like shit or QC would be terrible.
It must have been in development for some time now or else they are really fast in R&D.
But nevertheless it is very interesting how almost all chi-fi companies tend to act within a certain stream of ideas at the given time, just like there was some kind of “inertia” in the background or like they were all centrally controlled by the same group of people.


Or more likely just shared or just get everything from the same block of factories lol.

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Soon as I heard and used it…I knew it was coming. Alot of folks will have a DSP cable by Chinese New Year (29)


so… can these cables be used on windows and do they save the settings between different devices?
because if not I don’t see any advantage over existing system wide EQ apps on android