Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

if they give these some thundorous bass i’m in…its all that was required on the original…looks to be 2 pin?

Has there ever been a planar iem that could give thunderous bass?
I EQ’d my s12 to near clipping levels but it never quite gave me a real basshead satisfaction.
Still awesome for super fast rock/metal though.

OG Wu Zetian :sunglasses:

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Planar’s wreck themselves before good DD’s do. (w/ big bass boost…not going to get near a Fatfeq with a planar doing the bass)
The original KZ planar was the limit and that was choking the driver. For all the dramas they still got the best planar on market. All the Earstudio ones are tiny variations of 1st or 2nd gen which is not so dif.
Planar also have a unique timbre’ or a kinda hum.
User name: Resolution who was one of the OG regulars when HFG 1st started … he was beside himself with the flat stage. I disagreed w/ him but it is a jarring difference fron a DD

I dunno why the PLA is not on my tool :sweat_drops: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


A Michael Bruce retune can do some things to planar bass. Talk to them, @MMag05


God I remember those couple of days where it felt like the iem thread was self imploding.

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That was looking like the end of days…that ear brain adjust to planar was real and Resolution was front and center…he totally lost his mind over the Timeless. I can get it but disagreed on the issue


Oh yeah they can. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that it’s better than a Fat Freq. That will be reserved for your opinion. I’ve only heard the Maestro Mini and it’s been awhile. What I will tell that the Mini was fun but, it didn’t leave me blown away. The Glam and FE are ridiculously fun and you could have both and more for the price of a FatFreq. Thunderous doesn’t even begin to describe the felling that kick drums and bass have on it. It’s thick phat meaty bass slappin’ madness with, crazy large staging, good imaging to match and CRANKability that scales all that even larger.

@VIVIDICI_111 has a Glam up for sale someone should take a risk on. Go Glam if you want something that’s more subbass and can be a better all arounder. Though I wouldn’t really call it that. Well suited for Hip-Hop, EDM and does decent on Rock. If rock and fast aggressive music are your thing hit up MB for a Fat Earth but, it’s a lot harder for him to get an S12 that works for its tuning.


200w (4)

I have a Prometheus, it’s not anywhere near a Fatfreq or a buncha budget DD’s and 2 DD’s.

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Yeah I always get a bit skeptical when people talk about BA and Planar bass being compared to DD bass lol. I can believe for detail and resolution sure but there’s a reason why despite there being more driver tech these days subwoofers are still just the biggest cones you can find placed inside a box lol.

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I think he is talking about speed and texture not slam, hence the confusion.

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I feel that when something is described as thunderous it’s usually the slam, but yeah for texture and speed I agree that BAs and planars can keep up.

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Well the question you asked was “Can planar do thunderous bass?” You didn’t ask “Can planar bass be better than DD bass?” If @MMag05 invoking Fatfreq is going to derail the point for you, then just ignore that.

I’m not one to find planar bass super satisfying. I think it’s closer to satisfying for me than BA bass, but it’s not great in most of the planar sets I’ve heard. I liked P1 Max the most but the Panda is more of a mid-bass emphasizing set.

Michael Bruce’s Glamdring is the most satisfying planar bass I’ve heard. I haven’t heard Fat Earth yet, but Glamdring absolutely has fantastic sub-bass focus with a very clean midbass to lower-mid transition. Glamdring can absolutely pound the ear drums.


I’m not going to say better. Here’s my comparison to the DD’s I’ve heard versus FE/Glam. Im definitely not one to shy away from bass. At least MBs mod this the best analogy I can come up with. It’s just different and each have their own appeal.

Fat Earth:




Above isn’t do say it’s soft just to represent that it moves more air and hits you different.

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I’ve actually been thinking of doing some of the mods he showed on his tutorial myself on my S12 (mostly poking the port and the added filter on the nozzle). But I still like my EQ’d s12 too much but I’ll probably bite the bullet once I get to another one of my upgrade tier lol.

That’s fair, I’ve never heard one of the MB mods before Glamdring so I don’t know how those perform.

Glamdring and Fat Earth are new mods that he’s not putting out the full method, so it’s not completely replicable by the public. They’re a different beast to anything I’ve heard planar IEMs do.

I’ve heard Timeless, S12 OG, Pandas, both Wu Zetians, HBB Hook X and PR2 (I believe the OG version).

Pandas are the only one I’d want to keep, after hearing Glamdring and buying a custom-tuned Fat Earth

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Glad your happy. Not a slammer at all and not harder hitters than budget DD’s
This must be about texture and speed.

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Graphs don’t tell the whole story of when you get things in ears, which you know well. I’ll just leave it at that, until you get a set sometime

I don’t know the science behind it and MB has tried to describe it to me. I trust my ears though. Here’s a budget DD I own that graphs higher in comparison to Glam. That isn’t a single doubt in my mind that Glam slaps way harder and deeper than Bonus IE. Especially the louder I crank it and more power I feed it. I’ll just leave it here because at this point I’m debating with you as a Joe Shmoe and most won’t be inclined to believe me over you. No describe to brotha’ your clearly a legend in the hobby and I have mad respect for you. Hell you are the man responsible for first getting me to a target/IEM a really enjoyed. It’s all in good debate.



Just believe Science, nobody needs a “Trust me Bro” moment from me or you…it’s Science and volumes and displacement


They are not even comparable in that way.