KZ DQ6. (oh right, DQ2 )
Won’t be long before he’s stealing your chips!
He has already been reaching. Whatever I eat…he wants. I drink a sports water everyday…he wants that everytime. He can’t drink it but he wants it
yeah looks pretty good for my tastes(that 16k peak shows up on some graphs only so might be measurement artifact, I can’t really hear much that high anyway)
So they’ve gone the tunable nozzle route as well.
that might be interesting.
Still think the Heyday is king of the hill for planars.
If Michael Bruce could do to it what he can do for the S12 it might be.
Yup, unique looking nozzles at that…very unique looking
he doesn’t have to
So isobaric DDs are going to be the next flavour of the month huh.
Nobody has truly done it yet but 64 audio engineers no doubt know what that is and will do it so…it will be the 1st true isobaric set in earphones. Hope it turns out good
These look so good! I look forward to the vid
The moment I saw that pic, my wallet twitched a bit and now just fainted.
Their best looking IEM imo. I hope it’s a much-improved Nio with the same general (i.e. bassy) signature. Pls pls pls don’t be a Tia Fourte.
The price is a bit unreasonable for me (3rd world moment) so I also hope they trickle it down like they did with U4S
How much is it?