Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

:laughing: Agree
How much is it?

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Not confirmed but based on the minidisc AU listing, it’s gonna be $2700 or so (they pulled the listing already)

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Timmy is unboxing it live btw

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wtf is going on with expensive stuff having ghetto QC??


BRUH that’s even worse than Elysian :joy:
How much was this?

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oh shit. is that yours? 2 people posted the same thing on headfi. the shell broke apart when they tried to remove the cable.

apparently, EE made the sockets .75mm and the cable has .78mm pins so they’re stuck in there pretty tight.

No that is a guy from Headfi’s pic.

After sets started exploding…after…
They wanna tell you about how there is a technique specifically for Raven. :melting_face:

It’s not their fault
That’s why they never say the word “sorry” a single time
It’s your fault


What a fucking joke…EE’s so, so patronising to their customers…

Seriously I’ve added them to my shit list :+1:


You spend that much just for the thing to snap after trying to remove the cable.
Then they say you didn’t use the proper technique.


:rofl: On a side note I learned to read using those Ladybird books!

The snug fit of a mismatched pin diameter is by design. Of course. For recording artists, who like to break their IEMs.

When you have to open your car door just the right way so it doesn’t fall off, the manufacturer shouldn’t be issuing “proper technique” directions, they should be making doors that don’t require that.

You know what needs a litany of proper techniques to use without failure? Broken things.
I expected with my old truck to have to tell people what it needed to run right when they were driving it. I wouldn’t expect people to need special instructions for a new luxury car to run right.


Mismatched pin diameter by design…on a 3 600 usd iem…wtf…

Could be one thing on budget chifi, but a multi kilobuck US made iem???


Its like car recalls where they weigh in the damage control. So shitty for a luxury IEM , just admit you fucked up retool make it better and everyone wins.
Bad service is not just in ChiFi these guys are American.

64 Audio seems to be different and have a completly different policy . Something happenes to your IEM it’s either covered by warranty you pay shipping or $200 and whatever it is they fix it and ship it back.


Me too lol.


Yep at least one engineer and probably a couple of QC bods need to find alternative employment tbh…shockingly embarrassing for EE.


ChiFi has a better QC. At least I haven’t had any problems so far with ChiFi… What a shame for EE.

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I’d say you’ve been pretty lucky for sure mostly. Seems most ChiFi companies just hope for the best to me.


Maybe I’m lucky, but I’ve had no problems so far. I am sure that if there is a problem, it will be resolved and the IEMs returned from China. I don’t think we should constantly spit on Chinese companies. But for $3600 EE this…?

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Jack Vang will be at the EE booth at CanJam SoCal to answer all your questions :rofl:


hand him a book and walk away…the one called “How to say you’re sorry”

I laughed my ass of when I saw @Ohmboy ;s book…lol that was savage