@hawaiibadboy Hey brother, dandawhite from Discord here. You gotta slap the Coreir on Volur ASAP. Really carries the iem over other tips I’ve tried and sound rips hard without being as stuffy and tizzy in the treble. Fit is awkward on the nozzle though.
Coreir only works well on two iem’s for me, ironically two new favorites and bass heavy sets. Singularity and Volur. Annihilator23 below was using Sedna shorts.
A few people in Singapore,Superchonk and others. Think Crin has graphs of em on his graph tool
Also, Fatfreq does not hide driver count nor is their theory to hide/ non disclose.
Their Meastro SE and GM are 1/DD 7/BA and 4EST and were told to me as soon as i asked.
Not sure where the narrative of them not wanting to share that info came from?
Well, it certainly didn’t help their representative on Headfi saying:
In our opinion, it’s not necessary for users to know exact specifics. We want people to be focusing on the sound, not the driver type.
As such, I would encourage you all to take any driver configurations you see on the web as a grain of salt.
Thanks for understanding!
He is a rep. I speak to the owners. They have NEVER articulated any theory or belief that buyers should “Trust us Bro”. I would have balked at that.
I talk to them often. They have never said such a thing to me.
That must be a brain freeze? Driver counts are not subjective data. There is no fucking salt needed. Save the salt for claims based on subjectivity
I canceled my Crimson order for reasons but that wasn’t one. Was told it was 4/BA and it was a quick reply. Hadn’t heard they were not disclosing? NYMZ did a review and I’m sure he mentioned driver count.
Someone just casually mentioned that FatFreq don’t disclose driver counts on their website and Sebastien responded with the message I quoted above. That kinda rubbed people the wrong way, and given that it apparently isn’t even true, it just seems like a case of the rep kinda putting his foot in it.
If FatFreq are as transparent as you claim, they might as well add those details to the website. Would certainly resolve this weird conflict that’s just popped up.
Tbh, unless you can have an audition, it’s all trust us bro for buying online. Sennheiser iems all use the same 7mm “TrueResponce” driver from the $150 ie200 all the way up to the $1800 ie900.
Also just have to say, one of the reasons why I really wanted to get the Fatfreq too is that it’s a singaporean company, which is my birthplace even though I don’t live there anymore. Singaporean bros doing the country proud with their contributions to the audiophile world.
Anything made outside outside China gets some bonus points for me
And any minor complaints people have with customer service or transparency are somewhat forgivable given the incredible quality coming out of a little independent workshop in Singapore.
Oh I don’t mind Chinese companies, just gotta be careful. I’d say that I trust the ones who take their time developing products like Aful, Dunu, truthears etc. vs the ones that keep shitting out whatever they can like KZ (and sadly moondrop is starting to go the same way)