Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)


Man…the FiR has me bustin out the best of the thumpers :notes:




That’s a good problem to have.


Looking for a near-totl iem for classical/epic-orchestral with incredible mids and treble under 4K.
Currently keeping eye on Cadenza (the expensive one) and maybe Rn6. Not looking for harman-ish monarch, and Fat GM seems too V-shaped. However, coming from custom LX, the amount of subbass on cadenza seems kinda sad. Question - are mids on Rn6 audibly muted as they graph?

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I re-normalized the graphs to match at 1000Hz. Do you really want this much bass for orchestral music? Will you even get all the benefits of it?

And RN6 has a lot more treble energy. If you’re picky about treble, that is to be considered too

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With Rn6’s low-treble forwardness i thought to match graphs on low-treble. And Rn6 doesn’t seem to be too bassy, it’s just that cadenza is a little too light. Looking forward for the review video, if bass implementation on Rn6 helps keeping it under high control.

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I would say that the RN6 would be pretty good for classical. I honestly wouldn’t call it strictly a basshead set, but bassheads would appreciate the immersiveness of the bass as well as the quality of it. Would help a lot for stuff like timpanis, tubas, lower brass etc especially for hall resonance.

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Y’all are wild, talking this dude into YOLOing a $3000 IEM.

Couldn’t be me lol

For some, Goobs, $3k isn’t even a YOLO - just thinking about it got my bank calling me :sweat_smile:


Oh trust me, I loved the demo, but I ain’t dropping that much for an IEM lmao

I never thought I’d spend more than a grand on headphones but here we are.


It has 3 filters, in the lowest and even highest it is excellent with Vivaldi, Verdi and Tchaikovsky
It is an exceptionaly clean replay.
The Letshuoer Cadenza is nothing like Rn6
That is a lifeless sterile replay IMO


Thanks. I have to buy iems blindly from my place, so every insight is important for me.

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No prob, in it’s price range it is arguably the best. Company has solid rep and community seems to have a wide variety of genre in their library including classical.

You were right to assume the cadenza might be thin or lack note weight…it does.
Ask some folks on headfi in a thread called the Watercooler. You can get more opinions. :musical_note: :call_me_hand: .

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Yep, i’m familiar with watercooler thread and Rn6 seems to be on hype lately.

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“watercooler thread and Rn6 seems to be on hype lately”…


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And we’re off…

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I’m considering grabbing a back up…if the Euro wasn’y murdering the yen I’d just pull the trigger

EDIT: That seller has 20 pages of comment history and 99% is seemingly flipping stuff. :thinking:
I guess that means he’s good at what he does but something seems off :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I strongly believe that single DD IEM or earbuds is the way to go for classical music, where timbre is paramount