Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

So worth the wait for my first planar.

Gun metal finish (look is totally my jam) :white_check_mark:
HBB tuning :white_check_mark:
Metal shell :white_check_mark:
Modular cable :white_check_mark:
Early bird promo :white_check_mark:

What’s not to like.

shout out to @MMag05 for posting the promo link in the deals thread(?) - roll on the 22nd.


I’ve only ever had the Timeless for a planar. Fit wasn’t great and sold it fairly quickly. Never really got time to warm up to it. I’m ordering the HeyDay and also have a Z12 on the way. Going to dual them out and see what comes out on top. Only one will stay and become part of my clan.


just snagged my reservation, i just got the Wu in so im excited for your tuned version, overall design looks dope. @hawaiibadboy Chris when can we expect a video? Do you see this as a companion to the original or upgrade/replacement. its definitely got a bigger fatter bass presentation than the others, just wish it had the resolution of Timeless


I’m genuinely contemplating putting my beloved Timeless up for sale to fund the Heyday … I’ll have to wait for reviews and the inevitable comparisons between the two, but I’m thinking for that $200 asking price, it’s beyond competitive.

$180 if you get the early bird

Heyday has less bass than the WU and also less (though potentially smoother? ) treble so for me its all about the driver upgrade and whether the resolution has improved because of the change.
I love the WU bass but its not as resolving as the Timeless which is still king of the planars that i have in that regard.
So im gonna wait for the reviews before jumping.


Final retailbox version.
:ok_hand: :notes: :heart_on_fire:

We have gotten to planar tuning levels that are DD uning levels. That took about 6 months.
Chi fi warp speed is a very good thing sometimes :slight_smile:


Thanks for the trust. Am going to do one …now upload tonight :notes:

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Awesome bro, happy for you with all these collabs, I’m hooked on planars so can’t wait, congrats…

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Looks bass shy , still buying one of course but I love my bass!

I am love with the Cadenza’s bass ummmm


pic from Tokyo portable fi fest…credit to gizzinator





That certainly looks on paper like something I would enjoy!

Of course it looks like something you’d like, if you’ve liked anything HBB has tuned or rec’d lately. His best collabs (that are fully tuned by him and not just adjustments like Mahina) and many of his most fervent recent recs have all followed the same target to the resonance peak, nearly without fail


Jesus I didn’t even notice that :sweat_smile:
That Tangzu fits right in with DD’s. :heart_on_fire: :notes: :ok_hand:

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It’s been on my mind, personally, since you noted you’re tired of the endless Harman-tuned sets. In order to get different, we kinda have to find different.

Time to try some different things :+1:t5::love_you_gesture:t5:

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That’s the thing, I find that HBB and I have different tastes in bass (based on recs over the years and the few collabs I have tried lately).

The Heyday seem to be slightly more tamed in the lower regions.


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guys im at work, can anyone squig the og to the heyday please. Like its been said above, i hope with the updated driver the resolution improves, planar bass hits differently to me so im not too worried about the bass being below target.

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