Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I got the chance to get my hands (finally) on a set of Olina SE thanks to the generous @rattlingblanketwoman

Everything as been said already and I agree with all of it: great details (especially for the price), great expansive stage, quality bass, enough sub-bass for modern music, great full and smooth vocals.
I will try one band PEQ around 4k to reduce the brightness.

For me and my library, it is not however a slam dunk as it can be a bit bright or fatiguing especially at higher volume. It is totally a library issue though because with my wife’s music (alt rock, indie rock, ballads, jazz) it totally rocks.

It also highlighted the short comings of my other favorite budget set the HeartMirror Zero. Bass, timbre, upper treble are not at the same level sadly :cry:

Great set HBB!


Why …yes…yes they did
They 100% thought you would calculate some kinda profit for this site and let it be, even if begrudgingly. OR…they already have financial ties with Z and figure this is his domain and you are too. If Z ever interfered on their behalf he’d kill this site…and Z is a lot of things but stupid as a cup of dirt is not 1 of those things.

Thanks. It has kept a steady sales since early summer. After the reviewers chirpped the consumers voted yes.
I lke the turtle :turtle:
I am very bias :turtle:


LOL…well she won’t borrow them from you then so…#winning :ok_hand: :wink:

Give the double filter mod a shot my man! :wink:


If that be true then they are way too arrogant and assume too much…you know what they say about assumptions they are the mother of all fuck ups lol…As I’ve said previously we only answer to Z and we can’t be bought, I agree it would be a massive mistake if Z did step in it would change the whole metric of this community and not in a good way imho, but at the end of the day that’s his call.


Did I miss some drama with HifiGo?

(you mention them offering incentives for positive feedback)

Just curious as they recently sent me a couple of things after like 2 years of no contact with them.

I linked the thread in question above if you scroll up you’ll see it and Chris’s take on it :+1:

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Ok thanks, I just wasn’t sure if something else had happened with the incentives thing.

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No buddy I don’t think so in regards reviewers and review samples, it’s more to do their retail and marketing ethics or lack thereof :+1:


Buy yourself a Moondrop Free DSP cable, apply your PEQ, and Bob’s your uncle. I’ve just done the very same thing with my Olina OG and it’s turned it from a no-goer into a delight. I’m still playing with the PEQ settings, but I already have a fantastic IEM which prior to this was sitting in its box in a cupboard. I’ve ordered another cable so I can do the same to my Letshuoer Z12s.


So Neutron player is kinda dead now.


DD + xMEMS hybrid TWS for ~$150

xMEMS is coming.
2024 might be the year of MEMS war.


JH talent contest…
Hip Hop is dominating the airways…
2 girls get on stage with acoustics like this vid…and proceed to kill it.
Hadn’t heard song since I was kid and saw this tonight and wished I remembered their names,
These guys above…thought they were lyp synching …brilliant

and…ladies your names are forgoten but your performance remains. :notes:


Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel :notes::gem:’s :heart:


Thread for Bqeyz Wind? It’s shaping up to be a pretty special set. :eyes:

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‘April come she will’…would be funny if Simon metaphorically wrote that piece about a girl…cum🤔

Love those guys

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Now that’s a used car lot attraction

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I thought you were gonna get the ‘big one’ from Christmas Wonderland…

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Chris, showed the vid of your son to my wife and she lost it to how cute he is…I stole a line out of Raising Arizona…

I said…He’s a scandal in’t he, he’s a little outlaw.

My wife said…Naw, he-he-he’s a good boy.

I said…He ain’t too good, you can tell by that twinkle in his eye, just like his dad.