Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

My little “Mont Bell” model :heart:

Bought the 20ft cuz that will give me a bit of room under power lines but this thing with a laser measure is 31.5ft and well past power lines so i’m kinda screwed. :anger:

At about 11 sec in that top vid he kinda props himself up like a …troublemaker. 11 months and he is showing all the signs of being a happy handful :heart:


I can picture him sleeping on the beach one day…just like I did

You’re a lucky man Chris :+1:


What are some good budget iems for the following genres?


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I would think the Blon Z300 would handle those pretty well.


I have a Z300 in hand again and can’t shake the feeling that it’s a little “off”. I can’t just enjoy it. I’ll update if I can put better words to what it sounds like. Doesn’t sound natural to me like some other similar or even cheaper tunings can.

I varied my mod of the Kiwi Ears Cadenza and based on this morning’s listen, it’s pretty fantastic and would be for those genres.

I haven’t heard the EW200 yet, but the modded Cadenza is in the same realm as the EA500 just but with some more subbass. Which is great considering it comes in cheaper.

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I can’t recall but how do you like to listen to your tunes, like are you usually clinical or more of a rock out guy?

What mod did you use on the cadenza. They are my lawn mowing pair of earphones. Hope all is well!:call_me_hand:


Usually rocking out - I’d take too relaxed over too trebley if I had to compromise. Even sets like the P8 that don’t hurt my ear with treble (no wincing or volume adjusting) give me fatigue over time just from treble amount on the brain.

Planning to update this afternoon when I get some lesson planning breaks!


Thanks man,hope the fam is getting all ready for turkey day🦃

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Tripowin Kailua could be pretty for those. Maybe not budget enough…

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What mod did you do to the Cadenza’s?

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Grab the Z300 bro or the ew200. Fits the libraries you mentioned and they don’t need mods.

EDIT: In my bias opinion of course :notes:


Never used Neutron Player, although, having read up on it, it sounds like a useful tool. Personally, I use USB Audio Player Pro.

Neutron Player is technically the better player in terms of audio. As UAPP does not always let you use the actuall full power from the dongle you have. For example, with a dongle that can output 1vrms in Neutron, I could only get around 0.3vrms in UAPP.


I don’t use dongles. However, UAPP disables the Android system and plays files in the recorded format e.g. 24/192 and as such provides a superior source. I may take a look at Neutron Player as it sounds intriguing.

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Currently, I am as happy as a pig in clover, with my OG Olinas-Moondrop Free DSP cable and 24/192 files playing through UAPP. It makes my daily commute infinitely more bearable.



how about Poweramp?