Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Hey Chris, I’ve got a question for you. If a friend came to you and said they have a similar library to yours and have $12k to buy the best over ear rig (headphones, amp, and DAC) they can to get back into headphones after a decade away, what would your recs be for the gear? I just got asked this question and have some ideas, but wanted to hear your perspective since the friend in question is a fanboy of yours. :rofl:

Edit: Forgot to tag @hawaiibadboy



Jot 2


Bifrost 2


Toss the Susvara cable back in box and buy another mini xlr made by a good brand lets say…put aside $1000

Around $7500 and

images (14)

rope the amp and dac together with above.

Ignore anyone who says the Jot 2 doesn’t bring out the best of Sus. It is driving sus to 77dB in high gain with dial on 9am and it goes to 5pm so you have the bulk of the available power as headroom. It is not analytical and it is not over kill


Hello Chris, @hawaiibadboy ,I need a bit of guidance if possible. I’m really looking into buying myself a pair of FatFreq IEM’s but I’m really torn between the Maestro Mini and Scarlet Mini (I can’t really afford the more expensive ones). My library consists in mainly electronic music of all kinds really and some hip-hop from time to time. I do like bass (that’s why I was looking into the FatFreq Maestro lineup) but I’m just thinking Scarlet would be a bit of an overkill as I’m not sure how that amount of bass would affect all the other elements in the upper region given the kind of music I’m listening to. All the rest of my IEM’s are kinda following your target, I even bought the Thieaudio Hype 2 after watching your video and I’m enjoying them. I did watch your videos for both Scarlet Mini and Maestro Mini but given the time passed between the 2 releases what would be your opinion that would go better for me.


Welcome to HFG
I’d rec the Scarlet mini
The Maestro mini has a BA that can get grating as hell after a while and the scarlet is doing a treb similar to the TOTL sets with fewer drivers not at their level but it is a much nicer presentation than MM. BA’s are hit and miss for my ears and the Scarlet is a hit.

The bass only shows itself when in the mix so it plays other genre fairly well.
Example: Never going Back Again guitar (Acoustic) …not your mentioned genre but the Maestro handles that string plucking poorly while Scarlet does it well.
I’d rec Scarlet over Maestro mini :notes:


Very interesting indeed. Thanks for the help, bro! :+1::sunglasses:


Thanks a lot for your reply, I really appreciate it!
My bassiest IEM so far was probably the FIIO x Crin FHE and with that one even though I liked the bass I found that for me the upper region had a weird tonality, not sure why, so I gave them to my partner because he prefers them. That was the reason why I thought I was going to ask you which one you think would be better and I’m glad I did, now I have a reference to go by. Once again thank you very much and looking forward to more videos from you and more of the wisdom that you share with us.


Not a problem, thanks for the trust. Good luck. Enjoy the holiday season :notes: :call_me_hand:


Well your reviews and opinion guided me into getting a lot of good IEM’s and never failed me so far so the trust is earned and well deserved. Happy holidays to you too and best wishes to you and your family!


The budget TWS space is heating up, curious how Mino compares to Moondrop Space Travel - I got the latter recently and it’s crazy value for $25 or less, the sound beats a lot of budget wired sets(particularly with the bass boost EQ in app) and you get the convenience of TWS.


That’s interesting - grateful for the knowledge you have and care to share here :ok_hand: Might go back to Neutron but hope the interface has improved.


Tanchjim Mino frequency graph



Not bad, curious if the app also comes with EQ presets, for Space Travel they make quite a bit of difference in bass(reference is the default):

Basshead but the bass is corrected by 200Hz.

GTFO, Moondrop


This is pretty much everything I wanted Hook X to be.

The layering, transparency, openness and timbre all monstrously good.


Is that what Tanchjim calls it?


1 Like

Probably my favorite sub $250 IEM this year


I do not use it anymore so not sure.

The UI indeed sucks balls on it…

Just checked. Seems to work like Neutron does, I got 2Vrms with my Moondrop Dawn 3.5mm both in Neutron and Poweramp.
This power value im getting is the rating you see on ASR/L7 like this:

(Moondrop Dawn 3.5mm)
So my power measurements are accurate (more in my DB).

UAPP on the other hand, with the exact method and even after clicking the ok here

Only got like 0.35Vrms.