Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

As someone who knows the cost of ESTs, that is NOT a fair market price based on material costs alone. Of course, with Chinese wages and economies of scale, it’s feasible and sustainable, but that’s a bargain from my perspective (sound aside, of course). ESTs also have some inconsistency/interbatch issues, so if you want to keep QC high, costs will jump too. Of course price and QC aren’t always interlinked but this is just me adding my perspective. In the end who cares what’s inside it if it sounds good relative to the competition in the same price bracket. Best to judge an iem not by the numbers but by the enjoyment.


Sooo…MK3 went up 500? Right

Yeah, driver count means nothing (when it fits a scenario) whatever coping is being had
Yo wtf…(When it fits another scenario)

Kinda like…graphs.
Love em when they look nice to user…ignore their true value when anything otherwise

giphy (79)

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You got a lot of options around $1000 bro, this is chifi. Make Chifi work for you



Do I really gotta buy a Meze Audio Advar
Be honest…cuz I’ll pull that trigger right now :slight_smile:

I have listened to lots of $2000+ IEM that I thought I couldn’t justify the price and some $25 ones I would pick over the 2k ones.

My point is it you outlay the cash and it sounds good to you and makes you happy then your golden.

But there is also some special sauce in very few that have graced my ears.
The ones that have moved me on a emotional level regardless of the price, I would consider them money well spent.

I am sure the Jupiter will play with the big Bois, or Chris would not stamp his name on this one.

I am reserving judgement and hopefully get a chance one day to hear, I will let my ears tell my brain winner winner chicken dinner or nah.

If they move me then worth it or more!


Of course, that’s why we are all here, yet many of us thought, based on something you posted, Jupiter was one of those options.
I’m not here busting balls, would you be willing to comment on that post about competing with MK3, what was the course that caused that estimate to be so far off?

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It’s a different project and lines got crossed in China. There are 3 pricey sets with one at that price ($999 apprx) being made outside of Linsoul…apparently because of a issue over exclusive rights (China seller topic) This set was going to be a redo of the JQ Audio White Knight not any relation to thie or Linsoul. retail $2000. Their quote to me was a crossed line. Nothing more really. :call_me_hand: :notes:


Just spent the last few hours a/b with the Advar and TIMSOK TS-316

Quick answer is YES $$$$

My last post above LOL
TS-316 is a sweet IEM $499 and is worth the ask but…
Advar $699 $200 more but it moves me and consider it special.

What it makes it better
More natural sounding, smoother more natural replay doesn’t sound ever strained the TS sounds like it it trying but has to output some effort to do so.

More resolving

Better fit for me


Bass goes lower but more importantly the way the Advar driver controls the hits , the attack and decay are rare , lots of secondary resonance info.

Slight warmer because the Pina is pushed back over the TS where it makes the vocals more forward and pushes the overall mix a bit recessed

More resolving, you hear more nuances on slides , strings, ect

My $0.02


I didn’t read yet but I love reading notes,…let me go read em now!


Listening to Joan Jett at some stupid volume right now and I have a giant shit eating grin on my face.

The grit in her voice agggggghhh yes.

Then Marvin Gaye came on. Lol


One more reply to you,
I noticed for the 1st time…your Avatar appears to show the persecuted early Christians mocking the powers that be/Status Quo.

I mock and troll the companies constantly in here.

Ask any question you like, about anything and I’ll always shoot it straight.
This isn’t personal
It’s business.
We both get that.


I noted your notes on Elton John track sinceI use it to.
Gonna have to buy the Meze :rage:


Sorry not sorry , I am sure like you , you only can count a handful of “Special” IEM’s

In a sea of stuff nice to hear something off of the beaten path.

I wouldn’t have looked at this set when it popped up on the used market if not for Bennet Kelly who was wowed at a show in Montreal and didn’t believe the Meze Rep that it was a single Dynamic Driver not a hybrid!

He couldn’t stop talking about it.
Pretty thankful I picked theese up and can now share with the rest of the guys to enjoy.


Well…eh…that was my sons mocking their dad about 18 yrs ago on a Chesapeake Bay beach in Virginia…The dog was in that shot as well but didn’t make the cut.

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LOL, I thought it was art…my mind raced to a moment eons ago with folks mooning an emperor before being killed.
Mooning dad at the bay is cool too…if not as Hollywood friendly :laughing:

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I still rock Sony A3 and Z5 regularly…there are classics out their I gotta grab this set if for no other reason than to experience it…and maybe love it




100%…no Idea. I get zero heads up on Simgot and Kiwi stuff.
They do good stuff is all I know. There is apparently a Simgot tribrid of some sort in the works


That the new Kiwe Ears Foretza or something new? Looks fire!