Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

$31 set boosted x10 U.S.D


This is a rare look behind the curtain dealing with lots. Lot being an order # usually in thousands.
Every OEM does this with a willing partner.





Because a wired 6mm set that is a COMPLETE departure from the look/style/setup of any IMR-labeled IEM before was DEFINITELY a new design, and not a money grab from a strapped company that couldn’t put out promised goods for over 2 years…

Or it was a scam, like the last scam…

Hmm :face_with_monocle:


Yep that was a classic OG HBB video for sure :+1:


Do you know who I’m talking about at the end of the video?

What a terrible person. So shitty that this happens to so many people

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It was 80 to just over $100,000 according to some folks based in U.K. who got taken.
That was almost 5 years back.

I asked Headfi (Mods and Owner) how that guy existed on there.
They didn’t reply.
Brooko the Mod did (at that time) but neither the owner or Admins even responded


Don’t know when you filmed the video but it’s gone. 72 sold

that vid is almost 5 years old

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lol I’m a doofus, sorry. Haven’t had my coffee yet.
Not deleting the post, may it be a wall-of-cringe :)))


:thinking: PortaFi???

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I guess I was right but in the wrong direction a while back. One of the reasons I had for deciding to finally trust Bob with a new rather than used purchase from IMR was the reasoning that scammers always scam again, and it didn’t seem like Bob was, for years. (This was when I didn’t know the evidence against him was as clear as it is, such as tax records etc. – at the time I thought there was a chance Trinitiy’s dealings and Bob’s involvement could have been separate – to clarify I do not still believe in this chance)

It’s too easy of a way to make money, if it’s in your nature to allow yourself to do it once, to return to an honest grind afterward.

I was combining that with my experience with IMR up to that point, where Bob must have been losing money giving customer service unlike any I’d received anywhere else (extra accessories and replacements for second hand IMRs I had bought, way out of any warranty). By that point some IMR projects were always overdue by the time they shipped by about a half year or so, but people always got their IEMs or a refund.

I guess he was taking a hiatus from outright scams, and giving great customer service just builds trust for the next scam so long as it’s a big enough cash-in to lose your loyal buyers over. The IEM I had finally talked myself into pre-ordering (The Na Le, reused Elan parts as the name suggests) still doesn’t exist a year later. And then this.

So a scammer will always return to scamming, and no matter how well he’s treated at least some patrons for a decent amount of time, there’s just no doubt about this ridiculous markup situation.

Make sure when you’re reading this to note that when I felt there was ambiguity about IMR’s founding, that was out of ignorance, and not my current stance. There is no doubt money from Trinity founded IMR.


I am soooo happy you love them. The Advar is more than special IMHO. One of the best listens I had at the Montreal Audio Show. I wonder what this year’s show will bring.


No, was talking to Linsoul at end cuz they had asked me not to use profanity.
They said Head Fi was unhappy as well and the owner had lots of friends in the business (obviously)
So I did another video after this and went at Hiby and then at Jude and Head Fi while I was a badged “Contributor” and posted it on Headfi to double down.
That video was taken down for containing threats of violence.


And funnily enough that clown Jon Parker over on Head-Fi started shilling and posting solely on the IMR thread 4 years ago and he’s also British I believe?..


If I recall his methodology, 5 years would only be long enough for him to break in two IEMs fully enough for the driver to shine, back to back.


from this timestamp

me talking to Linsoul and Hiby and Headfi who all voiced displeasure and implied I wasn’t behaving like a good community member.
Other vid was me saying I’d go to a canjam and throw folks off the wall and stomp their necks. I named Moedawg specifically cuz he had a stroke and never thanked the massive outpouring of financial help he got…total sidetrack non point but he is big so it seemed good to threaten him…crazy days.


LOL no wonder head-fi admins still hold a grudge against you HBB.

Nice to finally get some background story and context to the grudges (goes both ways).