Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

’ Friends '… good one…never realized the extent of deviousness in this hobby…these guys are wearing their fingers to the bone rubbing each others back…bunch of sheep or lemmings…your choice


yeah…remove that :innocent:


LMAO you really were a “bad guy.” Glad you changed for the better though. :laughing:

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I fell in love and have a Son.
I change the hobby from inside and stopped throwing stones from outside a long time ago.
It is alot more effective…as one would guess :sweat_smile:


Good for you, honestly. Smart enough to change, using tact and intelligence instead of psychotic threats. :rofl:

Now you’re a big player and have a lot of influence in the audiophile industry and making money. :sunglasses:


A leopard can’t change its spots…but he can get older and wiser

Chris is on that path…interesting to see his transformation


Wrong. Some people do change, sometimes radically, for better or for worse. Some don’t.


Shout out to Crinacle, he was the guy who gave some sage advice at a key moment.
Me and him came up at same time as outsiders…him with his mic scaring companies and me just going nutz.
Head Fi was not into graphs…they had to absorb reality cuz Crin made them. He was first.
I know everyone in this hobby.
Crin is the only influencer worthy of respect.
Anyone who hates my swerve into normalcy…blame him. :wink:
We can both spot inauthentic folks a mile away. That means alot.


If you don’t mind my asking…how old are you my man…your reply seems like something from a younger and less experienced person

I still don’t like graphs or people who use graphs like the Bible or use them as the end all, be all to compare or discuss IEMs and headphones. Graphs only tell part of the story: tonality. That’s it. There’s so much more to how an IEM or headphone sounds that reading a graph can’t and won’t show. It’s just a tool that can be used to compare gear.

I do appreciate what Crin’s done for the industry though. It forced companies to spend time and money in carefully tuning their products to the market’s tastes.

This hobby is mostly subjective and graphs bring some objectivity to it all. However, I still don’t take graphs too seriously when deciding what to buy or not buy, or whether an IEM/headphone is good or not. So much more that graphs can’t show people, like technicalities, coherence, timbre, soundstage, imaging, etc. etc.

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Was thinking the same about you tbh.

Bad seems like a misnomer - not all heroes wear capes, and certainly don’t need to be PG-13

I knew parts of the Trinity / IMR tale, but that rabbit hole goes way deeper.

LOL, that is a hilarious compliment.


I’m not getting into a dust off with you…I have better things to do…like rearrange my sock drawer



Lets keep eye on IMR/Trinity for just a while :slight_smile:
They have been a train wreck for 7 years and got nailed today…for like the 10th time but…300% markup on other peoples goods is worth mocking and shaming for more than 1 hour. :call_me_hand: :notes:


Nice segue Chris

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The internet is fake…fake people…absolutely insane


and suckers still buy them, you’d need to be wacko or one of their cult…

to even think about parting with your hard earned :dollar: when there’s so many other ‘respectable’ companies out there today…I really can’t say anything else tbh.


Jon Parker about to respond in 3… 2… 1…

Probably now saying:

"Crikey guys this now explains so much… the delays… The lack of response… It was the Chinese… Have we considered if Bob had been kidnapped to work on this project on their behalf… Customer service was always so good before… How suspicious​:thinking::thinking::thinking:
Is Brandon a true ally… Was he in on this…?
And in any event the shipping issues couldn’t be Bob as it was the Chinese partner who was sending it and as I always tell people we are better shopping from within Europe & the US to ensure quality components within our high fidelity audio products… Choose IMR!!!

In any event - are we not accounting for labour hours in the drafting of the email to the manufacturer regarding the order, the sourcing of these marvelous devices (I for one will be keeping mine, thanking Bob for bringing this to my attention - at such a reasonable price (the man has a real ear for someone else’s tuning) and maybe even ordering another for prosperity sake as this type of audio quality is hard to find (outside Alibaba)), or even how the branding partner in designing the IMR logo on the termination plug has got to also feed his family… Bob had assured me that a German manufacturer was being used so maybe it is conceivable that they stole his plans and sold it to the Chinese​:man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

In any event we should all support Bob - personally I would pay whatever money for any IMR product because:

  1. it is my experience that the best measurement tool are my ears - we all know graphs don’t tell the whole story - so this so called ‘evidence’ by a man called “Fat Goblin” (Never met one myself but sounds ghastly) is really worthless…
  2. Bob as we can all deduce is in a bad place and this should be seen as a small donation we have incurred as a community to keep him still in our lives as he is a human being at the end of the day and this may be a cry for help. Really what is £250 nowadays when you account for inflation - not even a fish and chip supper.

Consequently, I have made a JustGiving page so we can help support Bob on his journey of healing - Just being part of this generous, kind hearted and ultimately gullible community has restored my faith in the world

Don’t forget to buy IMR from the ebay store - always a great service there"


I’m glad I came back into this hobby in 2023 and avoided getting scammed back then.

Well, I got scammed by one of KZ’s stores on AliExpress when I bought the HBB PR2. Left monitor was fucked up right out of the box. Had to send in multiple videos proving it was broken, they still wouldn’t do a refund. Had to ask PayPal to look into it. PayPal forced them to do a refund but only if I send in the broken product, which I didn’t end up doing because shipping would cost too much and by then, KZ changed the PR2 to not include the mesh. So I ended up losing $32. :roll_eyes:

I just avoid buying any KZ products now and try to tell others not to buy their shit.


I can lend you mine if you don’t want to lay out the cash…I know money isn’t a prob with you but you can get your son something with it…just tell him it’s from Uncle Adrian

My wife wants to snag him…big time…she asked me if his father is as cute as he is…ehhhhh…just joking…I mean…it is his son