Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)


I did too J…buds got them a few years ago bassed on Chris’s review…excellent set…boom…right up my alley

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so the bass switch down has more bass? that graph looks tasty ngl!



I have a question about the whales and I am tagging you.
Act like a professional, responsible company and tell me how you supported Whales.

I’m not going to do like most everybody in this hobby and just move along.

  • You donated how much to the WDC?
  • You bought gear for them?..?
  • You were using them all along and it was for awareness??


I’m going to bang this drum forever.


Unbelievable…they pissed you off because they used your likeness to boost sales in an unethical way and then they have the nerve to talk shit…they should be careful whose cage they rattle…they obviously forgot who they’re dealing with…I myself never back down from anyone who calls me into the ring…I don’t know you personally Chris but you seem to be made of the same core values as me…I’m always ‘come on fuckstick-lets go-I like it like that’


I didn’t see the whole post very well and the graph, it was two different iems :sweat_smile:

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When parody becomes reality :joy:

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This is getting beyond ridiculous.
There are 2 earphone companies in USA that are not so different in the rebranding Chinese made stuff and selling for huge profits.

As you can see, it’s the enablers that are as much an issue as the rebranders.

The companies are trying to hide reality
The simps are IGNORING reality.
What’s their profit?


“Brand loyalty” (there are other more colorful ways to term it) does weird shit to people. I don’t get it, but then again, I’m not much of a consumerist-hobbyist. Well, beyond being a Sony fanboy, but even with that, it’s not blind loyalty/fealty.


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First guy gets it. Thank God. Thought this would go over folks heads


100% me on most new IEM releases…

It’s peaked :dollar: wise companies are now just bottom feeding lets see if things can pick up :man_shrugging:

Hopefully so…

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You missed it but you’re a mod so that’s fine :rofl:

The pic in my post…has nothing to do with the gif

But lets just move along

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and old :joy:


I had exact same prob on same site.
2 years ago. The ratings are worthless.

I tested Linsoul, and it was same for 1star but otherwise fine
Follow me now…don’t leave now…listen

Soo I advised changing it…it hurts me and them in long run.
My next collab got a 1star review the day it was made public…olina?? maybe??
Problem was
It had not gone out to anyone,
I didn’t even have a final version
Asked Linsoul if Anyone on planet outside factory had a set?
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I think they are wothless…but I get why they play with it. It’s such an easy tool to abuse


I feel like that was Linsoul giving a fake 1 star review to convince you against it. They knew it was the first day 1 star was possible, no one had the set yet… lets them say “oh we tried it, this is what happens, want to roll back?”


I mean it should be easy enough to enforce though. Only allow reviews from people with accounts who

  1. bought the set
  2. it was successfully delivered
  3. the delivery was at least 3 days (arbitrary time frame)

Sure you will get less reviews but at least they will be honest. This is will take away their only excuse for dropping reviews.

Did they end up dropping that olina review Chris? If they did I wonder if they would have still dropped it if it was a 5 star

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No, it was never dropped despite me sking cuz it was fake, by an authorized account, and guy was yapping on FB. I asked for any kinda proof he had a set and he blocked me.

If it was 5 would it be alive?
No, a fake review on a set that is not out in public is a fake review.