Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

What does this mean? Is this saying it wasn’t designed by CA or something? Or that they duplicated whatever these were?

How are they selling CA IEMs for a fraction of the cost?

I think it is a “Material supplier” porting old unused stock and selling it via grey market or it’s just a total load of crap.
I have been told that some material suppliers exist of course…as all companies get some things made in China but no such items related to this old discontinued set should exist and it is likely clones.

I’m not jumping on CA at all. I think this is just old style mid 90’s cloning behavior that is rare now adays (compared to 70’s thru 90’s)


Is this the seller on AE? If so, I have purchased several items over the years…they are what he claims. Several cables and an Andro. If clones… wow, fooled me.

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Gotcha - I’ve been a bit intrigued by their newest IEMs (especially the Cascara) but have been curious about some of the comments about CA in general. My main IEMs are the S12 and Olina OG, but I do have one CA IEM (a used Holocene I bought from their used marketplace, that I generally enjoy).


Perhaps I missed it - but what is the name of the seller?

If you say it’s legit…Ima go with your in hands word over a business 10 times outta 10. Thanks for chiming in.
You can link to the seller if you like. I don’t care. :slight_smile:

Oriolus Monachaa Frequency response


“Original Earphones” is the storefront…it’s been 3 yrs + since I purchased from them. I have zero complaints, I just left mmcx and CA behind. If you search ALO cables you’ll find them.
I can also share that when I first discovered that store, I did question CA about the legitimacy of some of their products being sold at AE, if they were involved in any way…“Not officially” and something like "we cannot confirm or deny " were responses.
Further explanation along this line, sometimes there are problems with shipments and customs…etc, and some products may appear in unofficial channels, buy at you own risk.
The point is, with that response, it gave me a bit more confidence to make purchases with them.


I have also used this store before without an issue - but just for a few foam tip orders and a modular cable.

Thanks for passing it on :+1:

Enjoy the weekend.
Greek food is… :heart:


You too bro :smiley:

It is, been to a few of the smaller Greek Islands and the foods aways :ok_hand: and the people super friendly :+1:

Here’s a Greek salad I knocked up a while back, the Peppers, Cucumber and Tomatoes were grown here on our barge :seedling::tomato::bell_pepper::heart:


Oh yeah…dolmas…spanakopita…moussaka…Greek food…hell all Mediterranean food is off the hook


Agreed on the Mediterranean food, my wife made beef shawarma this week, and I am probably going to finish the left overs later today.


God bless you and your loved ones, Chris. You’re one of the GOATS fr and appreciate all you do for the scene.

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My wife turned me onto Bulgarian food…now another Mediterranean fav of mine


Man, he is spitting image of his dad!

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I’ve had my Dx300 for awhile as my couch unit but decided to give it to my wife because she can do her Youtube thing on it…or so I thought …all the time I’ve had it I only played songs through Tidal, Spotify or off the SD card. This DAP is so buggy my wife doesn’t even want it. Constantly freezes up on her if she tries to stream off Youtube…sometimes video and no audio or audio and no video or just plainly just outright refuses to do anything…never realized how bad it was in that regard because I never messed with it. Any of you guys noticed that shit…anyways

When I’m trucking around I usually use my amped Samsung s23 but decided on a stripped down DAP with its own dedicated OS…I don’t look at album art when I’m on the move and wanted something along the lines of my old Cayin N3 Pro or Aune M1s

I loved both of those units ( there here somewhere ) and since I have a Aune S17 Pro and appreciate that …off to Aune I went and got the Aune M1p… I gotta tell ya… it doesn’t have the grunt to muscle the drivers like the S17 but man… it sounds f’n good… better than the M1s and with more power…unit gets warm… especially when it’s on but not driving a load… I’m not sure if its Class A architecture but it sure acts like it… battery life is adequate for me and best of all it’s not buggy

Chris…you haven’t done a DAP vid in awhile and I know most peeps have gone the SPh route but some people that I know have gone back to dedicated players… maybe do one for old times sake

Wouldn’t be without my amped Walkman.
Great UI and fab battery life…only issue is the custom cable but otherwise its damned near perfect and pretty small too.

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Nope mines still ok…firmware’s up to date mind but it does take a while to totally load Amazon HD which is what I use to stream…Have you tried removing the SD card and a factory reset then re-install? maybe worth a try :man_shrugging:

Chris, does EA500 LM have improved subbass?