Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I appreciate the graph with the crossover breakdown. It looks like the DD will cover the entire bass spectrum


This is fantastic news. Just read all the marketing material for the first time and while I admit I’m a bit of a Thie shill, these have me kind of excited … looks like I’ll be dropping the cash come tax return season!


Yeah that’s actually pretty neato but looks like the estats are effectively just 10k+ so essentially supertweeters…

It would definitely help if there were frequency markers but that looks closer to 8k than 10k to me. Also when do ests normally come in? That low mid BA looks like it’s covering a 200hz range to…

Looks like the low-mid tweeters go into the pinna gain, then the mid-treble tweeters take over for the actual gain.

Just looked at HBB’s graph, and goddamn those super-tweeters are putting in work.

Kinda feel bad for people who got Oracle Mk II, not knowing Prestige was coming and would’ve loved this. (Not for the people that love Oracle Mk II and are good).


Better hurry there’s only 1 left :rofl: … on a real note this isn’t a limited edition or anything right?

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Does not sound nearly as intense as the Oracle MKII to me. That set A/B’d with this…and glad I stayed off hyping that set.
I knew this was coming but not config or tuning. This sounds great. Big fan

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I guess I got the 1 left…

…hey, it still says there’s one left!


:rofl::rofl: enjoy!! Let us know how it is!

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You know I will! I’m pretty stoked to hear these bad boys and I’m sooo glad I sold $25k in drum and audio gear earlier this year and still have some left over.


Okay, so I got the Illuminations in today to join the Zen Pros and the Twilights for my sub $1k single DD shootout. I just gave them all a first listen of about an hour apiece through the same playlist which has what I think is a good representation of my library’s diversity.

Obviously, I still have a lot more listening to do so I’m not going to drop any real impressions yet, but I will say that in the early running the Illuminations (thanks again @hawaiibadboy for the rec) and the Twilights have really grabbed my attention. They’re both quite different, but both have uniquely engaging presentations.

The Zen Pros were the most commonly rec’d single DD to me when I asked around and they are indeed a good set that makes it easy to see why they’re well-liked. That said, my first impression is that they’re also probably the most vanilla or mainstream, without that touch of uniqueness that grabs your attention. In the long run I have found that sometimes that will play to a set’s advantage while other times it will make them seem a bit boring compared to IEMs with some unique “it” factor.

I’ll keep the thread updated when I’ve had some real time with them. The one thing I’m sure of is that this is going to be a lot of fun! :metal::sunglasses:


Bro pls give me some quick impressin vs Monarch MKII, so that I can decide today… to push or not the button :slight_smile:

Bass is better for my library, ( Prestige) , vocals are also better on Prestige (My library) More note weight. Upper treb not grating on strings like Oracle MKII for me. (was a concern)


Trying to work out where I saw this link posted. Definitely a new direction in tuning from having a sub-bass shelf with glide from there. Really interested in it.

I still find the overall design to look chintzy/like a KZ / CCA model, but I think it’s a step up in looks from the first QKZ collab. All as subjective as any of this is, no more than a personal response to the design language.

I do think it will make the original collab even harder to refer to. “QKZxHBB” really just donates who collaborated, the IEM still needs a name. Because if this is the “QKZxHBB Khan”, people talking about “the QKZxHBB” without a label could be talking about either.

The driver setup and the tuning (and the price) are exciting.

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I checked my DM’s

On July 20th,
I sent a mail to a guy, told him his set blew my fucking mind…and I was going to do my version of it.
More subwoofer output and a less forward treble attack.

He said cool…the point was to inspire the next.

He did. I’m thoroughly stoked. Was supposed to come out in October or Black Friday at latest but last minute adjusts.


This is EXACTLY what I am hoping for after seeing the graphs. You and I have similar libraries (at least it seems that way from your references, videos, and post that I have seen) so I expect we’d have similar results from the Prestige. I’m looking forward to this one for sure!

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The STORM is here.


Excited to hear your thoughts, and I was rather surprised that they come in such a fancy case!

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