Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Lets see…

famous people I have met and talked to on personal level…

Johnny Carson…at the Sistene Chapel… talked about Michelangelo’s sexual preference…

Richard Nixon… met him and his wife Pat at their house… well patio… talked with Dick about Ehrlichman… Pat was very cordial… they were both pretty feeble at that point

John Nash… man portrayed in ’ A Beautiful Mind '… biked by his house almost everyday and would often stop and interact if he was hanging on his porch… peculiar but nice gentleman

Actor Frank Langella… met him at my then girlfriends family gathering… he was my girls uncle

Singer Eddie Rabbitt… :notes: I Love a Rainy Night :notes: … cousin of a friend

Partied with Elizabeth Shue… classmate of mine at high school… line em up and knock em down

This early… off hand that’s who I can think of… but there are more

celebrity status aside… they’re just human beings like all of us… I mean to me… Elizabeth Shue will always be just ole Lizzie

Oh yeah…Andrew Shue too… actor on ’ Melrose Place ’

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More are coming to me…

David Duchovny and Matt Damon… NYC restaurants… not a long conversation… more of a nice to meet you… shook hands

Lol man, I am NBA and sports fan and actually as big of the C’s fan as I can be rooting from 7000km away. just felt like joking about LBJ ↔ Celtics history as you brought Tatum’s dunk on him in the context of merchandise for your little one - maybe just randomly.

I did not say any bad words about nor am I a hater of anyone in the World so let’s be cool

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I wouldn’t blind buy either… but that’s your call

He is cool…just proud of his sons first kicks… you would too if you were in his shoes… sorry for the pun

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My daughter unfortunately is anti-sport even though I try very hard. On the other hand we have complete closet of stuff all with pups from Paw patrol… :sob:


Brand new IE900 for 600… what do you guys think… same price as the IE600… ready to pull

they bad sounding?

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I don’t know what your budget or financial situation is and for some people that’s a considerable outlay… I’ve only heard the phantom at Canjam for a few minutes… it wasn’t at the BGVP table… they belonged to someone there so I only listened to a couple tracks… they were alright I guess but probably not for the kind of music I listen to… they are definitely tech laden though but I don’t buy into tech hype… you gotta get behind the steering wheel… if it was a cheap set I would say go for it but a grand is still a grand… do you have anywhere you could demo them

Hey y’all, decided to step away from IEMs for awhile and focused on other things (been building up my speaker system) just to keep my mind off the wait till this happened.

Goddamn the delay was pretty ridiculous but I’m just glad to have these on the way finally.


Waiting abslutely suuuucks!!
Glad yours is nearly over :notes:

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I actually was devestated it was a boy and not a girl. Was scared of a mini me.
Then I held him. He looked at me and I looked at him and yeah…holy shit am I blessed.
Goodluck with the daughter when she starts dating and a boyfriend mean mugs you and you wanna slam him off a wall. Or maybe that stuff is just in my head?



A buyer who was an attorney in 2018 gathered info that showed $80,000 dollars had been taken without a return of funds or product.
That wasn’t a guess, the guess was well over $100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS

That was also 5 long years ago. Many failed projects ago.
Atleast 100 folks have left the whole hobby and commented under a video I did 4 years ago.
That group of whiners is massive
They just cannot be bothered to be hustled for one more second of their lives over gear bought and made in China and pushed off as original gear at extrordinary marrkup

That they often don’t even recieve.
On behalf of all those whiners who have bailed on the hustle so they can enjoy life and music without being robbed under the Head Fi Banner…


Yeah pretty stoked about it. It’s been good to focus on other things though. Now I’m contemplating of I should buy a sub that costs 5x my speakers lol

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Of course you do that.
no joke. It’s the backbone of the replay…and fun

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How long ago did you put your order in

Checking now and it’s Oct 20

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Thanks man…gives me a glimmer of hope…Nov 6 for me so math would indicate a couple more weeks :crossed_fingers:

Tried these Shokz…pretty cool bone conduction…if someone incorporates these into an IEM where the BCs rest more on the jaw hinge…would be interesting…probably a better implementation than what UM or EE are doing

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Yeah I’ve been contacting them here and then and it seems like there finalizing the final batch.

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