Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It’s a production inserted signal to control K Pop light sticks…they assumed incorrectly it is an inaudible range.

That looks nasty as fu**

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Not my pics

Simgot is coming

and the tribrid

7 Hz Aura

is that almost the same plate as the Simgot??



I definitely can’t hear that… but that’s coming from older ears…

I redline at around 11k… I thought I took pretty good care of my ears throughout the years… but being in the front row listening to Halford-KK-Tipton and Angus-Brian and Eddie-Dave takes it’s toll I guess


I think what Chris is trying to say is that if the double D configuration is not in an isobaric architecture that has a port between them that there would not be much of a gain in terms of volume of air…if you want more sub bass you increase the diameter of the driver like my 16mm Sony… if you want speed and punch in the mid bass you go smaller diameter and increase driver count… now this all relative and both can be accomplished with the right configuration and realise that I’m only talking about bass in this context… as an engineer with overwhelming curiosity I read anything and everything that involves physics… mathematics and science in general… I could lay it out for you in pure mathematical form but this is a forum for audio and not one for the sciences… though they are very closely interwoven if you think like me

Just go buy the fuckin BGVP come back and tell us what you think… or don’t come back… I don’t care :handshake:

Uhh…sorry… didn’t catch the vid Chris posted… but still just go and get the BGVP and quit procrastinating… learn from your triumphs and mistakes… like we all did through trial and error… fun but costly

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Hows Christmas plans coming along…what are you gonna buy yoursellf for Christmas?? :christmas_tree:



Are the animated reindeer using those light curtains you’ve mentioned before?

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Yours… probably… just picked up these though…

I don’t know if it was a design element or not… probably… but the 5 axis milling marks are pretty cool… little different from a smaller step mill path that I would have chosen but nonetheless very nice

Haven’t listened to them yet… busy with family… you know the drill

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Yup, that’s a DIY thing where users create and I can upload. Very very cool
The DIY community is better than the stock effects

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If your into bass like me… I use this track to demo every IEM I buy… I use lossless but this thing on Youtube is pretty good… don’t know how it comes across though after Youtube gets their hands on it

start at 3:55… then I move onto my library… one week minimum but I usually decide it’s fate in the first 1/2 hour


I dont see anything special about it and would never spend that kinda money on a BGVP iem…


DD is a coaxial one. Dunu Vulkan for example is another coaxial DD.


Same principle in car audio which is a passion of mine

I’ve also seen a configuration similar to the second diagram but with a port on the side and both of the drivers in a push excursion… such as in a dipole unit

Something like this…

Moondrop B3 has that setup

And the JH Audio Jolene

Exactly…never heard either though… have you

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BGVP might have implemented that configuration for packaging purposes… development engineers constantly argue about potentiality vs size constraints… and then the prod engineers eventually chime in about cost effectiveness and manufacturing efficiency… then the bean counter engineers get involved… turns into an all-out brawl

You get the picture… happens to me all the time


Yes, coaxial setup has the advantage of being much smaller than the B3 setup or a regular separated setup (like UM 3DT).

ok,so no bgvp phantom or dm9. maybe then better get fiio fx15? i like treble. not basshead bass. and forward mids.

Moondrop S8 should suffice. I would suggest the second hand market for a much better value.

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Get ’ the Bird '… but you’ll have to sell one of your kidneys to obtain the holiness of vocal Gods

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monndrop variations vs S8 ?