Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Forgot my manners Chris… sorry bro… how are your plans going for XMAS… Kai will be completely covered with wrapping paper by early Christmas morning …

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The FX15 has slightly pulled back mids and the pinna is pretty aggressive… it doesn’t have a place in my collection but if you have money to throw around and you can tolerate blind buying… go for it… like I said before… you have to get behind the steering wheel to see if it’s for you… everyone in this hobby has made mistakes along the way… it’s painful and expensive

you can’t take any of our words as de facto… you have to make that decision on your own… it’s an expensive hobby if you let it become an addiction… just like anything else in this world… looking for that perfect sound doesn’t exist… I know… I’ve been down that road


Haven’t heard the Variations, but it’s not priced to compete with the S8 either. I’m sure comparisons exist online, however.

I don’t think this setup equates at all to it’s speaker equivalent - the whole philosophy between both is different. There are many things you do making an IEM that are nothing like making a speaker, and vice versa.

Unless they changed it YouTube has a cutoff at 15khz

Go check Dave the Rat and his gang…they got all the gears and the time.
It is essentially 17Khz

Seriously check the comments. I can hear and measure a 16Khz test tomne replaying on my PC right now

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I don’t know the reputation about BGVP as a brand but when I demoed the DM9 it was very good.
Very detailed with a lot of treble but not sibilant or shouty in any way. Just very forward.
I would call it a treble head iem with good bass (mid bass).


If you are sensitive to 3k peak, S8 will be bright.
S8 also has bad bass quality and potential pressure build up because no vent.

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He got Gastroenteritis on Wednesday…yesterday he got conjunctivitis

He looks like a trainwreck and his energy is on 10%

When you take your kid to pre school they get exposed to everything under the Sun…apparently


thank you bro😇

thank you bro. maybe for me better look at fiio fx15 vs bgvp dm9? dm9 is too bright i think?

thank you bro. reading lot reviews on only tribrids last few month.still hard make decision to buy iem. im have campfire ara. like sound. but want sonetink add with a bit more bass,but not bleed to mids, more forward mids and EST sound treble.

That’s how they build up their immunity that will see them good through life . Kids are just huge petri dishes feeding the immune system.
I dread to think what I ingested as a kid .


so, DLC dynamic driver is vetter for bass response?

Pink eye sucks…doctor probably said you can’t even kiss Kai’s head…poor little man…

pretty soon though…


Finally got my Fatfreq Scarlet mini, and you know what, call me crazy, but when I did my first song with them I thought “damn, I could use a bit more bass than what these are giving. :sweat_smile:

But nah, that settled down soon, and as I listen to it more and more I keep getting engrossed by the cavernous bass. Stuff like the recent wave of UK bass and DnB sound absolutely head-bopping in these.

But it’s not like bass overtakes every track. For example, the mids and highs come through beautifully in this without the bass distracting from it.

But obviously, this isn’t a do everything set. Nothing is probably, seeing that most don’t have bass like this too. If you want mids to be centre of stage these aren’t for you. If you want an K-pop or anime girl massaging your brain with their voice these aren’t for you :kissing: though to me female voices still sound pretty good, just not the “magic” that people with those preferences are chasing for. :wink: I think the mids and highs for what they are are pretty good though, especially the highs. Nicely airy and detailed without being sibilant. I feel like I could listen to these at a much higher volume than the hype 2. I have no problem with using them for guitar based songs too, and they give the drums and bass portion a lot more kick

Overall want to get more listening in before forming final thoughts but I’m pretty happy with them. Might hold off my upgrade itch for awhile now, but that upgrade would have to be a significant step up. Nightjar singularity, maestro SE, Monarch MK3 or maybe Jupiter…?


if my grammar school math is correct…mine should be at my doorstep right before Xmas…maybe Santa will put the Scarlet in my stocking… if I had one

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My daughter has it right now as well🫣


Sad to hear it, but if it’s going around, kids are getting and spreading it! @DaveB wasn’t lying…


Get well soon :heartpulse:
My guy just came back from doctors, he also has the flu which explains the fatigue. He is getting pummeled :melting_face: