Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Thinking about you and Kai🙏🏾


Hope he’ll get better, our little one got COVID’s latest and greatest Eris or Pirola, she’s better now, but the first 3 days was baaad. Now, we know why, the whole family got it with the grandparents too. The first two days were nightmare especially at night. High temps, all our bodies aching. If these variants are lighter than the first ones than I can’t imagine how worse those were.


Hope he is okay an have a speedy recovery! Hang in there!


So sorry to hear that, hopefully he’ll be back to 100% sooner than later.


Get well soon Kai💪

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Stay focused and positive. As a father of three grown sons, these bumps in the road require a steady hand at the wheel.

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Sorry to hear this, I hope he gets well soon. All the strength for you and the lady in the mean time.

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Nothing quite like strenuous excercise to reduce stress and refocus the mind… a century on my bike feels like an endorphin overload…one of the greatest cerebral feelings a human can experience

30 pounds huh…tell your buddy to keep it up…tell him that he’s helping his owner ( friend ) in the process


Get well soon Kai! :pray::sob:

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The recent Covid event and the narrative that kids were strong to it (according to media) somehow made me think the flu (Influenza) was the same.
Anyway first doctor said it was a simple cold and gave meds to put in his butt if a fever got strong which it did. He got worse and worse and could barely breathe even though we have an electric pump that sucks shot out of his nostrils. he was clearly going down hill fast

Took him to the hospital right after this pic cuz…he looks like he’s dying ffs
Turns out he has influenza and Gastroentitis and …NOT pink eye, that was a side effect of rapid dehydration in an infant.
This was my 1st experience of feeling like i was a bad parent, if the Doctor says one thing and your eyes tell you otherwise.,…trust your eyes, Doctors are not robots or Gods.
He was put on an I.V for almost 2 days and now can keep down food and liquids on his own.

He is doing great. I’m catching all that he had but that’s life.

To the folks who gave well wishes


I only mention this stuff on here. This is a community with brothers i love, others not so much…but still brothers :musical_note:


Speedy recovery for your boy!


As a Dad I feel your pain. I would take a thousand colds to theirs. Praying for your family, all the best. <3


Im so glad Kai is okay! We have had our fair share of misdiagnoses and long ER stays with our kids as well and it never gets easier. The flu is no joke and it seems like in the last several years its really picked up in severity. I hope the family gets better and Kai stays on the upward trend!


Man. I’m sorry, Chris. I didn’t expect it to be this bad. I hope Kai has a fast recovery.


My Boston brother…who i clash with like my own bro…if i had one. :laughing:
Thanks. I see your beautiful fam in your pics. We are blessed.
My God…it gets quite stressful sometimes :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Thanks. I am forever in the “get a 2nd opinion” camp. I kinda already was but now, It’s going to be automatic.


Thanks, yeah, I’ll take his pain…and i think i caught it too. And always will…the days of an annual flu just got put into overdrive :sweat_smile:, Ima likely catch everything he does.


He is resilient. He’s your son after all. Wise words spoken - trust your instincts - you know your son best. Been there - done that with my three boys. I supervised all medical interactions. He looks on the rebound back to the top shelf.


LMAO :joy:

I appreciate that, thanks for making me laugh, Chris.

That’s facts, my man. Truly truly blessed in every sense of the word. Nothing is more important than Fam, the holidays makes you realize that hard. Kai is gonna be kicking ass like Jean-Claude soon enough, no doubt about it :handshake::pinched_fingers: