Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Always trust your Dad (and Mom) instinct. Most powerful tool. Only you know your kid(s) like they are an extension of your own person.


Glad everything worked out and Kai is bouncing back. Bless you and your fam!


I gotta reply to this.
I grew up in Boston most of my youth and “Top Shelf” was a common phrase in my circles to indicate a person or item of the highest quality.
In Hawaii it is used a lot
In Japan nobody gets it so i stopped saying it.
Thanks for the nice flashback.
I hope the people around you and the drinks you are served are always…top shelf :call_me_hand:


I was talking to my wife about your guys early today and was thinking about your situation. Glad to hear the fam is doing better. Thoughts with y’all through recovery👊🏻


Chris, so glad to hear Kai is doing better! His pain is your pain, and nothing will change that.

Now that we’re hopefully past the hump in the road, gotta ask you brotha, which (if any) song/album/IEM is the one you reach(ed) for first for relief?


I have stuff i reach for when angry
2pac “Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z”

Happy and sad are a huge library of stuff.
When scared like past 2 days I don’t listen to music.
Good question cuz I hadn’t realzed it.
I was hovering around my son and watching 2 hour long docu stories on YT that I cannot even recall what they were. The clock moved so slow. 1 hour felt like 4…kinda crazy
THUG LIFE has been replaced by DAD LIFE


Glad your son is doing better Chris, here’s to hoping the positive (and healthy) vibes will continue! :pray:


So glad to see the little fella getting better.
Flu is potentially lethal to both young and old, COVID mainly the old but if you believed the MSM then Flu vanished for over 3 years and COVID was all we should be worried about.
Don’t get me started on the whole Vax thing cos I’m the local conspiracy theorists that’s currently winning 8 and 0 for being correct and the shit that’s now coming to light is truly worrying.
Anyways, back to the :musical_note::notes::notes: :grinning:


You are not peddling false narratives.
I’m not anti vax but Fauchi lied to Congress on T.V. when he said he didn’t help fund
“Gain of Function” research.
That was a lie. He repeated dozens of times.

Vanity Fair is not a right Wing mouth piece by a long shot.
Fauchi goes back to the A.I.D.S days and he’s a kinda Sociopath IMO


does any compares monarch mkiii vs phantom vs fiio fx15/ how bass,mids,highs?

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I’m happy that Kay is getting better. Don’t trust at all at who says “that doctor is the best in his area”. One of the best doctors of my country about tumors, was 100% sure that I had a tumor inside my leg (it was getting bigger and bigger) and when they was trying to open it(cutting the skin) instead it was full of liquid because I had a bacteria infection(Staphylococcus aureus) inside. So yes I much agreed on getting always a second opinion.

By the way, talking about audio stuff, I hope linsoul sent to you the Hype 10. I don’t understand at all the sound differences with the MKIII. Other than they have all BAs, seems they have less midbass and I don’t know what other.


When people were taking protective measures and not breathing all of their germs all over everything, yes we got less sick overall. That shouldn’t be debatable


I may be getting that sent soon but they are rolling things out slowly recently. Not sure why but I’m sure I’ll get it :notes: :call_me_hand:


Fantastic to hear Kai is recovering. Children bring the greatest joy in our lives, but can also scare the bejeebers out of you. I received a phone call at work from the hospital’s Infectious Diseases ward telling me to come immediately as my son Ryan was seriously ill, and I felt like my world had fallen apart. He survived and eventually thrived, and is now a 6’2" hulk of a thing, but like you, I questioned how I may have failed in my duty to him and by extension to my other children. It made me more vigilant and less likely to accept being palmed off by medical practitioners, to the point of being a pain in their sides. It was a harsh, scary learning curve, but as with all things regarding the raising of children you learn, you adjust and you realize you love them more than you could have possibly imagined.


Glad your little guy turned into a healthy thriving man. I felt guilty for not immediately going with my instinct.
I respect Doctors but my sons life can never be a mistake or misdiagnosis …I learned.
I’m about to be a pain in the ass of every doctor I meet as it relates to Kai


I’ve read RFKs book on Fauci… he really is a nasty piece of work.
Had all my vaxes up to now and definitely not anti, but this one, Nah, I knew this one was suss.


Good to hear he’s fine. I don’t have a kid but I do know the feeling of powerlessness we feel when someone we love is sick. Not a feeling a desire for anyone.

Also, if you ever think you’re a bad parent, look at how much you always put your kid first. Look at how much you spend time with him to the point of seeing if he’s well or not, if medicines are working or not. Actions speak for itself. Practice is the criterion for the truth, as one once said.


I told you Christopher…me and ’ the man ’ are just like this :crossed_fingers:… besides… he gave me his word


WTF is with this site…first I can post vids from the tube then I can’t… then I can then I can’t…WTF


Gotta pay up $20 per vid.

Seriously though, just copy and paste the full url and it shoul work
And you did tell me it would be fine and your man hooked me up.
Thnks and tell him I said thanks too :heart: