Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Chris…I copy and paste straight from the url and I get static picture…both from the search bar and from the share tab

I wanted to post something that will cheer you up…now that Kai is out of the woods…I myself got covid again… for like the umpteenth time… never felt anything but a few sniffles… strong immune like you said about yourself getting it from Kai…by the way… good advice to parents or potential parents… second opinions are crucial

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Youtube linked videos always show a static picture.

If you are referring to the moving one just above your post, that is called a GIF.

RG…when I cut and paste… the play icon is in the middle of the vid sometimes and sometimes not…then sometimes it’ll just say vid not available…gifs I got down pat but the 'tube is frustrating…tried embed…hyperlink…straight cut and paste…never had this prob on other forums…I’ll try something else but I seem to have tried everything and it’s not rocket science

Alright…I guess I can post some shit

This one’s for Chris…need a good laugh

" Fabrizio your gone…Fuuuuuuuck"


@hawaiibadboy maybe you got some info about the config of these? I’m pretty curious.

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Good hockey slang. Also F the Bruins :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Speedy recovery for Kai :heart:


I hope it stays mild and you get over it soon!

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Thanks bro… I’ve had it a few times already but never exhibit any symptoms… the only reason I found out was I took the test on a lark and tested positive… never would have known otherwise

now it’s a running joke amongst my friends…" hey man, let’s test Adrian again and see if he’s glowing " …my friends are a bunch of shitheads

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so glad to hear he is doing better

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Simgot really was out here dominating the lists!


Loving the Microsoft alternative!

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Yo fr


Who would have thought it 1.5-2 years ago?


Even a few months ago, like the beginning of the year I’d have guessed Moondrop.


If anything I think Moondrop had the biggest drop off this year.


When you weed out everyone who may critique you hard,
lean on dependable soldiers with predictable takes.
have a qc record that is perhaps the worst in the hobby
be built on a base that is young enough to spread your Gospel but too young to buy anything midfi and above…
It becomes a countdown till some company or companies just do their job good…and you are F*****
and in 2023 they took the biggest nosedive of any company in Chifi that I have ever seen.

You cannot do this via influencers.
This is poison that has reached the cash paying core fans.
That Social media swarm launched by MD at Dunu by telling their fans to trash Dunu stuff on Chinese social media came back and bit them in the ass


and before it gets buried into the past

I want to first thank, every single one of you above.
I’m a Father 1st and foremost and a Influencer is way waaay down the list.
To the folks who took the time to act like normal caring human beings that are a part of a community, I’ll do my best to be of any assistance about audio or other
To the folks who just skimmed over my personal stress and my Son’s issue.
I got no time for ya’ll. I never will.

(From Pink Floyd the Wall)

I walked a mile with Pleasure
She chatted all the way.
But left me none the wiser,
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow
and near a word said she.
But oh the things I learned from her,
when Sorrow walked with me.

You get it or you don’t :call_me_hand: :musical_note:


Spitting wisdom. This hobby. :heart:.

Wow, first the dissertation on Jupiter now this beautiful poetry and hilarious slam of Moondrop. As they say on a Tv show 30 Rock, you’re Reganing. Keep it up. Top Shelf.


For the people…by the people! :fist: :notes: