Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

What a fucking classic classic album
I shuffled all the way to Wings “Band on the Run”

and found this…

I need more kids


To all the initiated out there… and all the uninitiated as well

Merry Christmas!!!


Chris… you’re such a young person… how did you refine your music apprehension at such a young age… I’m speaking relatively here… must have come from your parents

Hey @hawaiibadboy just a suggestion with your giveaways, I know it’s always a concern for you that a lot of ppl just comment anything to try get a freebie rather than someone who’s a genuine enthusiast.

Could possibly state that all winners are required to donate day 20-25% of the value of the iem to the animal charity. Rather than just reserve this sort of method for the big giveaways.

I just think it’ll put ppl off who’d have no intention of spending a penny of their money, but more importantly it will all go to animal charities.

Being a vegan of four years myself, I commend your support for animal charities.

20-25% isn’t a lot after all. But it’ll all add up and really make a difference to those animals.

Just a suggestion anyway. Keep up the good work. Always enjoy your videos.

Have a great Christmas.


and a little…

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Good suggestion, I’ll keep it in mind. Have a Merry christmas :christmas_tree:


Hey Chris, just watched your last video, I absolutely love the idea. I wish I had the cash to donate this year but times have been a little tougher for me recently, but my wife and I are both animal lovers and we’ve visited the local shelter to donate a few times and they’ve helped us as well with our animals in the past.

Happy holidays everyone, I hope this weekend is an amazing time for you and your families :christmas_tree::white_heart:


Guy grabbed it. We got almost $2000 so far for the charities. :cat: :dog:
We all do what we can when we can and make the world a bit better.
Saw your pics on FB…you got a lovely life bro. You 2 enjoy Christmas :christmas_tree: :santa:



100% that…I no longer comment, I did give feed back a while ago asking maybe having 2 Youtube channels…a give away/blag and a discussion one :man_shrugging:


@hawaiibadboy I know you’ve done this as a condition for selling a big set, but have you ever done this for a giveaway? I would run that by YouTube and make sure that it’s okay to make a donation (or other kind of exchange of money) a condition of a giveaway prize. Feels like something that they would/could/might strike someone for, no matter how good a cause it is for.


That’s incredible, brother. What an amazing thing you’re trying and succeeding to rally right now, charities are an amazing thing. I appreciate your words on the fam, brother, I am very fortunate and I love my son and wife so much - they’re my two best friends in life, no question about it :white_heart::christmas_tree:


Dom… after your child is born… Your life, as you know it… is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk… and you want to be with them. And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life.


What else do you need… unless you’re a enthusiastic collector like some of us

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Ain’t that the truth, brother. My big guy is already 6, turning 7 in Feb. so it happens so fast. The journey is incredible if you do the right thing and make the right decisions. I fucked up a lot at the early stages but I’ve since grown into my role as a father. I was young and dumb, but my son made me wise and experienced. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


how sounds campfire ara vs fiio fx15 or monarch mkiii? what better to be upgrade or sidegrade from Ara?

It’s a learning curve my man… I’m positive you’re a great dad… just shower them with love and watch them turn into a amazing person

But you know that already

Merry Christmas to you and all of yours


Right back at you, my man. Thank you so much :handshake: happy Christmas to you and yours :christmas_tree:


Just get the Mk3… you will not be disappointed… does everything well… superb set… probably the best at 1k I’ve heard… IMHO

But if you want to spend a little more for new…UM Mest Mk2… you can find mint used ones for under 1k right now… excellent investment


Lost In Translation! Love that movie… :clapper:

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