Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Chris…I’m not aware of which coupler you use but I want to start graphing…just out of curiosity because I love the sciences

thinking of this one…

want to do both L/R simultaneously

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Not sure what standard those couplers are.
If ye wanna get the same stuff as Chris, its the 711 (clone i believe) IEC 60318-4

Those stuff are available for cheap on AliExpress or Taobao. Stick to using Ali, the Chinese on taobao is hard to navigate through.

It’s usually around 150ish usd iirc for one side without the pinna (ear)

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I’m using a 711 mic. Not familiar with one you posted…looks cool though



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Chris I found an old discussion (4 years ago) on reddit created from Precog, where he was talking very bad about you, calling your reviews “shit”, saying that normal people don’t like your reviews, insulting your subscribers, calling you “racist” and other stuff that are very hard to believe to me in this moment and that I’m very surprised that Precog wrote all this.

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No offense, but I’m not even going to discuss it. I never said stuff to anyone related to race, religion or other. Just violence and sex. I have talked with Precog and he has done a review on my collab. It was a different time with lots of anger and claims. Not going back 3 and 4 years :call_me_hand:


:eyes:’s on music :heart:’ers :peace_symbol:


:pray: :heart:


Roy Harper my most seen live artist…mostly at the Red Lion, Kings Heath Birmingham, UK…also a mate back then mixed his monitors we had a meal with him and his then missus at Birmingham Poly UK :+1:…also seen him at Glastonbury and Stonehenge festivals :peace_symbol:…If I recall correct he had issue with Ginger Baker at one of those for running late? :smile:


I remembered that’s why I posted. I appreciate your work for the community.
I think Ginger Baker had issues with everyone he ever met…but he did litteral drum battle events and was ananimal so gotta love his spirit and talent. You saw both of theM? You have had a blessed life.
I gotta use Youtube :melting_face:


I think if it was Glastonbury? maybe able to Youtube that one…If it was Stonehenge then it was probs on a stoned trustafariean with a cine camera :smoking::dragon_face::mushroom::smile: happy :notes:collage days :smiley:

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that’s why I went on a tirade about internet squabbles…ridiculous…you live and learn


Yeah…I saw those but I heard that the repeatability above 6k fluctuates

shifting the monitor in the cup gives different graphs above that region…not that I put too much emphasis on graphs to begin with…

best acoustic coupler in the world is your own ear…nuff said


The variance above 6k is inherent to most 711 compliant couplers. I don’t know how tight the tolerances on official gras stuff is but for any hobbyist the clones are close enough. Also in the upper ranges the hrtf changes get stronger making graphs less reliable anyway so the variance is acceptable in my opinion.

Also the change In the frequency response due to shifting the Iem is normal behaviour just as is is in your own ear


Thanx man…just dippin my toes in…love to learn new stuff

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How can this guy be a racist…he’s married to a oriental woman…and from what I have gathered so far, a great wife and mom to a beautiful son

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I wouldn’t recommend getting two different couplers to do L/R channels simultaneously. The clone couplers don’t have the best tolerances between them to begin with so you will inadvertently be adding errors between the two channel measurements. Get a single coupler and use it for both sides to eliminate that huge variable.

Edit: the one you showed a photo of doesn’t indicate what standard it adheres to either. It looks like a 711 (IEC 60318-4) coupler but best to just get a generic clone off taobao/Aliexpress for ~$80-100ish and call it a day. There are some trusted retailers such as Sound Good on Aliexpress.


I was hesitant about the ones on Alie but you’re not the only person who vouches for the lower priced couplers…but at 1300 bux the coupler I showed better adhere to some f’n standard

Just started getting interested in graphing and appreciate anyones input…shout out to Jaytiss for the advice also…solid standup dude

In the world of genuine calibrated couplers, you won’t be finding anything below 3k or so for a single IEC711 one. If you wanna use the new 5128 standard, that’s closer to 10k. Not claiming anything about Audix but it wouldn’t be surprising if they were a chinese clone that’s been specifically branded for them.


…and that’s the story of how a semi no name brand took a track called “Can I get a Fuc* You” and vibed/buzzed/slapped the ear with BA harder than a basshead set
