Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Hope its not a fit subjective thing then…
Would be awesome if it holds up with same impressions for many people.

200w (14)

It’s a tactile sensation caused by vibrational energy

Physics (10)

The energy transfered will be 100% relative to the size of the area in which such energy passes

If you put your finger on an 8 cylinder 450Hp motor at full rev you will vibrate your hand and arm via your finger tip.

If you put both hands on that motor the energy will shake your entire body.

It’s the same thing with haptic devices.
Less contact = less efficiency as that absorbtion is the goal. Haptic forcefeedback devices have to fit to work.


Yep, from your impressions i believe the shell is of a good shape. Majority should be able to get a good fit…


Man… I tried these tracks on the Spartacus w/ Earrbond metal tips and I am f***ing BLASTED :rofl:


Yup. The Noble hammers good too.

giphy - 2024-01-06T223524.390




Dat don’t look like Angus…


Impressed…who says you need a degree…just passion and knowledge :+1:

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Thanks. Never saw them b4 Saw the More than a feeling cover and the moment the BBQ guy arm caught on fire and went to table it looked like an homage to Led Zeppelin Presence cover and Pink Floyd’s Wish you were here album cover///I’m overthinking it and need sleep :slight_smile:


My two fav songs from Presence…

James says it’s his best lead of all time…I agree

and a special place in my heart for this number…great on all my single DDs…with a phat blunt


Achilles last stand is a monumental piece of musical magic. That song Transends me into the stratosphere from time to time. What an amazing piece of art that song is.


I need to build up my music library lol. I’ve had my test tracks on repeat.


You go boy…maybe we should start exchanging cards with each other…broaden our musical horizons

I’m not a Chevy vs Ford guy…I’m not prejudiced towards any music…if it moves me…so be it


One Pac, two Pac, three Pac, four
Four Pac, three Pac, two Pac, one
You’re Pac, he’s Pac, no Pac, none


Put your muthafuckin’ hands up
Look Look

Now while he stand tough
Notice this man did not have his hands up
This free worlds got you gassed up


i need some similar songs like this, old 90s rap thats catchy and memorable. can you name some artists with the similar sound?

My library is… Very different, totally inconsistent in taste, like, you can’t read me as a person through my music taste :sweat_smile:

My usual go to artists are Eminem, Ed Sheeran and Michael Jackson. Tupac was a recent addition after being on Chris’s discord for a while.

My other artists are from my native language, Tamil, and hindi (my country’s national language) the Bollywood stuff, I’ve been recycling mostly old songs 2000s and early 2010s, I’m a nostalgic guy, I keep stuff on repeat.

My other songs are pretty much from my favourite animes. I’ve been adding stuff from a guy who raps about anime characters now :rofl:

Other than that, I’ve been adding few new test tracks now and then from people who I come across, if they got a certain detail they pay attention to, I try to listen in, to see how they would potentially judge any tuning in general.

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8 mile, classic. This scene and “loose yourself”.
Iirc lyrics for loose yourself was actually being written down on the paper by Eminem when he was taking the bus in the movie scenes. :pinched_fingers:

Any of you guys try these

I can wear monitors all day with the velvets

Use to rock Spinfit 100s but then I found these…

Not as comfortable but they seal my holes better than all…especially with my BC sets

expensive but WTF…uhhm…I mean…WTH


I got the velvets, cp100 and the sedna crystals.

You should give tangzu sancai tips a try. They’re super damn comfortable. I’ve yet to try the wide bore version.

Also i hope to try the expensive eletech baroque tips someday…

Speaking of expensive…
Pentaconn brass :rofl:

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