Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

My wife refines me too…she polishes my abrasive character and in many ways completes me…as I believe your wife does to you…I owe my wife a lot

We are polar in a way but we synergize as a couple

Now for you…and I would be remiss to think I know the true embodiment of this person HBB…

I know YouTube guy…I know forum dude…I know the celebrity status of HBB (well almost celebrity) but… I just see you as guy I like and think I understand…that happens to live halfway around the world

I’m not gushing…I swear


Fav Scholz lead…


Dominating the room, I’ve been accused of this many times I’m a 6ft 5 260pound dude with Tats what always confounds people is I then go into a jazz hands routine. As my 5ft 6 wife scowls menacingly like a pit bull licking a wasp.
I’m new to the reviewing game and literally doing it to fill my down time with something fun no agendas just because I enjoy it. I’ve already been singled out as a shill and it makes me laugh. Always wonder if I met them face to face weather they would be so bold. Anyway keep doing you HBB cos you’re the reason I actually got into the hobby I was scrolling YouTube and caught your video comparing Daps and got hooked on your delivery and started buying things to see what you was talking about. So thanks for the service you provide. Its really enriched my life.


I thought that Christmas pic of your big man tattoo sportin, boots wearing self was epic. I never coulda gotten that from a million typed words.
I appreciate you shared that pic. Ive not ever seen you as anything other than a good community member and after that pic…my opinion went way up.
Everyone can make a joke, confident in their own skin folks can make themself the gag cuz…it’s all fun, and they are…confident :).
Lotta folks are too serious or too dumb? I dunno or care but you clearly got some wit…and are large and have tats and can have a laugh
I look forward to your takes on gear or life anytime brother


My friend Jimmy has your stature…and amazingly looks just like you…tats…everything…you guys are like the Corsican brothers


That’s exactly how it happened to me…almost 8 years ago…I said to myself…self…who is this brash fucker…I hate him…but…

now I really hate him


He’s building his immune system


Exactly…illness early…strength later…just how it works…let the kids play in dirt…they’ll thank you for it later


I always think the same way as you when someone fronts me on the web


I’m a wedding photographer and I’ve had major shade thrown by dudes on the internet when I’ve met them in person they suddenly get really friendly when they realise my fist is as big as their heads :joy::rofl:


The internet, the gate that never opens


Yo @Toecutter
Dunno if it’s your taste but had this on repeat recently then the penny dropped looking at your avatar.

Never really got on with the franchise after the second, not sure about the upcoming furiosa either.

Tim Cappello, charismatic madman on the saxophone

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I just happen to be watching Max Rockatansky the day I signed up…it just came to me…not much thought was put into it

But ironically the vid you posted of Cappello is my favorite song in Lost Boys…looked up his other work after seeing that movie years back…

Man…Jami Gertz was easy on the eyes in that movie…same as in Less than Zero…check out that flic if you haven’t already


Thanks, I definitely will. Been making my way through some classics I somehow missed along the way. Never even saw Rambo til recently. Dan Hill - It’s a long road…

:notes: It’s a real war
Right outside your front door I tell ya
Out where they’ll kill ya
You could use a friend

Where the road is
That’s the place for me
Where I’m me in my own space
Where I’m free that’s the place :notes:

Hits like a ton of bricks every time

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Simgot EA500LM

Excellent driver.
Prefer it to EA1000
I never did a full review video for ea1k but I understand the love.
This is tuned very much like EA1k but SQ is clearly a step up for me.


Jeez, they even upgraded the cable. Simgot is on a god damned roll.


I don’t know how simgot does it, but I’m damn jealous of their finishes and quality.

Meanwhile I’m struggling to get coating done, at this point I’m considering smoothening the outside design to make finishing easier…

I got bubbles inside n out and no way to remove them :smiling_face_with_tear:



Anyone know the price?


I don’t even wanna know the price :rofl:


I think I might have figured a way out… :disguised_face:

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