Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

with any luck they’ll be as easy to find like recently, so many good used sets that I gotta watch pass me by as I look at my bank account

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It’ll all be there when you have monies. It always is around. FOMO is real but actual “MO” is kinda rare.
Even limited editions are known to …make more when market is there.
Just don’t buy a Rudhra Brahmastra
giphy - 2023-12-06T124911.165


You got some thick skin bro…unlike some…

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That’s also the combination of BAs in the Canpur CP32E:

It’s no basshead set, but the subbass does impress and the punch on the midbass can hit ever so wonderfully on the right track.


Nice, the CP622B is most definitely basshead with basshead tracks.
No idea why?
Kinda geta kick outta that mystery…no pun intended

EDIT…oh same as Shanling…interestig. Glad they tamed that monster eargain


All this Canpur talk…I just Mightpur…I’ll wait for NYC…maybe they’ll be there…I’ll bring my own tips and come late on Sunday to maybe get some extra time in


The CP622B also has more BAs and the BC driver, on top of whatever actual tuning differences there are. We’ll get the CP32E graphed up and some point and hopefully figure it out haha.
Also, once these newer generation drivers start “trickling down” to cheaper sets, we’ll see if the magic is just down to the drivers or not!


I’ll just tell my wife to go shopping or some shit…out of sight…out of mind…she wouldn’t understand anyway


Watched last night…Kai and his dad


You get nothing…and he hasn’t done shit with it

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This is not the same model as the one in the Canpur.

38D2XJ007Mi-8c = Canpur

38D1XJ007Mi/8a = Used in sets like the Dunu SA6 and other sets around that price range.


That is VERY interesting actually. It graphs like shit though, but maybe it is a hidden gem that needs to be polished first? Impedance adapter, filters/dampers in nozzle or PEQ as last resort?

(actually, that might be pointless regardless as it is discontinued…)

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I’ve been corrected already…beat a man when he’s down


Great people will always get up after they beaten down :wink:

When HBB x Campur with boneconductor driver? Campur is an interesting company. They do some budget sets but I haven’t really heard much of them from other reviewers. Thanks HBB, you got me looking at this daily…


Another company he’s gonna put on the map…this HBB guy can make em or break em


You’re not alone, mate! My personal budget limit has always been around 1k, but Canpur CP54E and CP622B have me questioning if I should raise my limit

I’m fortunate enough to possibly try the CP622B after easter. It’s definitely the IEM I am the most curious about, as a ‘bass connoisseur’. If HBB and Leonard say the BA bass is incredible, then I have to wonder if I can be converted


You can be converted. Good bass is good bass and BAs can do good bass.

Tech is capable and not tuning like ass will always help*

*Most BA sets have ass tuning in the bass


A mantra well used around these parts.