It’s sort of why I understood the harsh criticism, coming from a strict musical standpoint it’s definitely not great but we’re not buying this set for that lol
I like him enough but I know for sure I’m buying Hades out of sheer curiosity and my lil sister likes bass so I’m sure she’ll dig em too lol
I’m hella saving up for a Mest at some point tho, for now I’ll buy the lower price points stuff I skipped because I went crazy buying a Schiit stack, edition XS and Variations and Xenns Up in like 2 months lol
Going to hell for bass isn’t just a cool idea…it’s what it’s going to take…recent events prove that. Things have been a certain way for a while now…some companies will get nervous for ‘reasons’…regardless of how Hades lands, its just the beginning, believe that.
I got a mail from a person everyone in this hobby knows.
He said a guy who is talking about mid quality for a basshead set is like some weird Karmic 4D chess…it’s perfect catnip for actual bassheads.
I’m fine. Wish linsoul used more sense but maybe they did and I couldn’t see it…but I wanted that 4k quallity into on my vid
Enjoy Scarlet, this will be a Variations with a better transverse from sub bass to mids that fills in the kick drum and 4 string bass guitar at around $250-$285. More wallet friendly and a DD in treb instead of BA.
Scarlet will hit harder.
the ver 1.03 will be the adjusts above. Below my own target from 2-400 but it kicks fine and solid on When the Levee Breaks and Bass llines sound snappy and ring
EDIT: FWIW, Th collab “fee” is a symbolic $1 per set.
The idea is for a wallet friendly set with no BA in the treb.
And I get to work with pro’s.
I win, customers win and that’s all that matters
Ima sleep…been quite a day
Looks interesting for sure, I’d love a set where the pinna is relaxed and the late treble is boosted with a big bass shelf, I think that could be cool but what the hell do I know lol
Looks dope. Bass is never an afterthought but the first thought as it helps me feel the music. I saw a poll the other day where 40% or so of the watercooler guys (myself included) will pass on a set if the bass isn’t good. I can adjust to poor treble, but bass… forget about it.