Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Without hearing it, I could not say.
It had an audible grain (best term I can think of?) and maybe those things helped w/that?

Fer reference. See Audio Bravery and Moondrop Aria did same thing and Aria has no BA.

Maestro mini

warm/fuzzy/muddy/shouty/bright/dark/detached…grainy :thinking:
I’m sure it is related to post 5Khz but beyond that I can only speculate.

I think Fatfreq are pros and provide gear to musiciancs so they have musical ears (know the scales) so they likely heard what I did kinda and fixed it.


The Samsung galaxy 24 Ultra with a 1TB of storage in board

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That’s on my short list

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I use hearing aid drying/anti-humidity accessories for my IEM/Buds. I have both of those linked below
300A -
T55 Ultralight -

Drying boxes can usually be had for €15-€45 depending on UV capability and drying controls - the FIR one is fairly basic with no controls and close to 7-10x the usual price. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging: - it’s a nice design but nothing much to it so the price is ahem a bit opportunistic/scammy…

Regarding those dehumidifying pucks that @Petalpusher & @heartless provided pics of - you can pick them up for €1-2 on AliExpress.

This store is solely focused on hearing aid toolsets but they are not the only options available



Curious if you’ll agree with me that the Cincotres is the better tuned one, because I know you love that bass in your face!


Linsoul has a brand that
A) Has more of a wide open tuning philosophy (apparently?)
B) Has a better set sub $500 than any Thie…the Cinocotres


More meaty Moondrop w/same 3Khz peak and extension
**Keep in mind Moondrop Variations literally had lots of Vari ations so theres that
Also 7Hz zero 2 since Crins latest collab is pretty much my target :laughing:

The Doscinco is playing it safe…Cinocotres is not and it will sell better


That’s super fair. Appreciate you, man.

I’m thinking about adding another neutral’ish set (Galileo or something) but the bass on the FatFreq has been calling me and the only complaints I do have on the Legato, I feel like the Maestro Mini would resolve especially given price with consideration of the Scarlet being a few hundred more.

Did you have the Doscinco squig yet?

Also, my coworker and I were talking about the Doscinco and how it doesn’t make sense that with the their 2DD+3BA is called Twofive and the other Fivethree.

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Galileo can fit bad so try it first, I have no clue how they came up with this naming scheme…no idea at all :slight_smile:
Yup Doscinco is on the tool


2DD, 5 drivers total

So, I think the reason for the names is for the EMPHASIS on which drivers since they have the same ones;

DOScinco for the DD/Bass heavier set
cincoTRES for the more balanced, emphasizing the three BAs


Oddly enough…the Cincotres seems to slam harder with my Hip hop tracks


I haven’t done a whole lot of Hip-Hop testing, but when I first got them I had the same tips (Azla Sedna Earfit normals) and Doscinco seemed to bring so much more bass on every track. I have since done some tip rolling (currently Spiral Dot ++ on Cincotres and TRI Clarions on Doscinco) which seems to kinda even them out a bit with each other. Both can bring the slam when the track calls for it, though. A lot of today’s listening was across multiple flights though, and I’m still feeling them out before I want to make any definitive statements on either.


Was more of a joke, haha. Figured what they were going for.

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Coworker had said Kato is similarly sized which worked well but will keep that in mind for sure.

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I’m happy to have both…the staggered but quick release of the Hype sries left me sour, and my viewers too.
I can hear these both at sam time, know price and make better recs.
This…is a much better way IMO


Damn this store has all the FF goodies. Would the drying box fixes the sort of green jelly bean (it looks nasty) that forms eventually? I could remove it around the nozzle with a tissue but i wonder what happened inside on the Ikko.
Im not even living in Tampa or something… i didn’t imagine this could happen in south of France.


It definately helps the situation I find but once oxidisation starts occuring it is hard to stop it fully - the boxes etc are more preventative than a remedy. However unless there is a large amount of corrosion it shouldn’t affect performance just looks and I don’t believe there is enough on an IEM to be toxic but it may cause skin irritation if left. I have also taken to storing each IEM in these NiceHCK bags to help

I live in the south of Spain/Portugal for around 6-7months of the year so the issue I have found is not just limited to the weather but also from being in close proximity to the sea. Perhaps this is the issue you are facing in S. France (nice part of the world by the way :+1:) - I mean that is unless you tell me you have been using them in Cap D’Agde… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

If the Ikko your referring to is OH10 then this particular IEM has a larger chance of a patina happening due to its copper alloy body. You can clean it off with, acetone or an acid based solution - I have seen people use salt + lemon for IEMs to try to stop any liquid damage. Just wiping it off with a cloth will leave the salts still on the IEM and so the oxidisation will reoccur.

We really need to lobby for more medical friendly materials in IEMs, as their disposable market dynamics just prevent this in a race to a pricing bottom.