Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Are you thinking about this?

You need a transducer that supports that tech as well, none of the ones out there atm do afaik.

Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 has it so the S24 Ultra does have that.


I came across an interesting topic Crossfeed for headphones | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
and I thought I’d share it with you.

Generally in headphones or IEM’s we listen to music wrong for perception, i.e. in each ear we get only left and right channels
(I’m talking about Crossfeed)
On PC you can install EQ APO Equalizer APO download |

(To make Crossfeed work you need to go to the EQ APO directory at C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\ and open the config file and enter the following parameters
Copy: L2=L R2=R
Channel: L2 R2
Filter: ON HSC 6 dB Fc 1000 Hz Gain -15 dB
Copy: L=0dBL±16.0dBR2 R=0dBR±16.0dBL2
Channel: L R
Filter: ON LSC 6 dB Fc 400 Hz Gain -1 dB

These parameters do not affect the frequency response.

I don’t know if it’s inappropriate to share this, but I wanted to).

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Crossfeed should be mandatory on every piece of audio gear moving forward. That is a very interesting read and implementation into a chain.

Having it on the Mojo 2 made me realize how useful it is, especially with older recordings.

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On android, UAPP has crossfeed function, a freq and a db can be set. So it’s not as customizable as EqAPO

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Since you have both, can you try EQ’ing the Doscinco to match the Cincotres’ curve and seeing how close they are to each other?

Since its the same drivers in both, I’m curious if you can basically EQ one to the other.

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Thank you. Yes. It is the Qualcomm S7 and S7 pro chipsets I was thinking of. It looks like there might be some exciting wireless changes in the near future. Here is the original article I read.

Also, the new Sennheiser MTWS 4 buds have something called LE Audio and Auracast, which I’m not familiar with, but state that they’re able to adapt to the newer technologies.

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That is Bluetooth Low Energy, a focus on making low bitrate stuff sound better so you can get better quality at a lower energy cost.

Havent heard that before but.

“Auracast is a Bluetooth feature that essentially allows a source device, like a TV or phone, to broadcast one or more audio streams to an unlimited number of audio receivers such as earbuds, speakers or hearing aids, owners of which can then choose which audio stream(s) they want their listening device to tune into.”

Thanks. Thats interesting. So, Auracast isnt about sound quality, but about connectivity. My wife and I could both listen to the same stream on two separate sets of transducers. Or, if I had four ears, I could really double up on the enjoyment! :grin:

Yeah, the only sound quality advances BT will have in the next few years will be the S7/S7-pro, LE Audio and Xmems driver availability.

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+1 for this please, if you’ve got the inclination. I’m sure I heard someone say they are virtually indistinguishable when EQ’d to one another, but can’t find it for the life of me. It would certainly take the uncertainty out of choosing which to buy if it is the case.

Does this mean that , in the next year or so, we’re going to start seeing audio gear (DAPs, portable DAC/Amps) that transmit Bluetooth coming out with new versions with this S7/S7 pro chipset? And what about gear that receives Bluetooth? Im wondering if my beloved iFi Gryphon will be obsolete in a few years ( I do enjoy listening with Bluetooth every now and then :grin:).

I dont know.

Not much info is out on this, I only know that you need a host device with snapdragon 8 gen 3 soc for it to have that and then you need the transducer side to also have it.

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First day of ownership so yet to look at the Bluetooth
To be fair Im not much of a blutooth guy I’m pretty much wired for sound.


Me too, usually. But there is this lazy part of me that just wants to use my Gryphon without the extra 5 seconds it would take to attach a USB-C cable. :rofl::rofl:

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UM Mest MK2 has been on my list of to try demos but now Canpur is overtaking it lol. Those suckers must be amazing but I’m still on poor boi territory

Gonna snag the Cinco when it’s on Amazon, I expected Doscinco to be your choice so I’m surprised but also curious to hear it, might even pass up on Hype 4 tbh

Any of the FFs is the next try if I do skip Hype

On that subject is Maestro Mini even worth the grab instead of saving up for a Scarlet

Canpur 622b ovr MEST all day long. Eveb b4 I thought UM was a garbage company (mngmnt anyway)
Cinco pops and Dos is a set I already have 5 versions of
I can’t comment with any authority on new Maesro mini since I haven’t tried it

On a related note:

Avoid folks who give investment opinions on demos.
It’s one thing to think what you do w/ limited ear time
It’s a whole nother level of fuckd up to suggest another person spend money cuz a guy demoed (item X) and goes by memory to advise how another person should …spend their money

giphy (99)

There are levels to the stupidity…
Listening to anyone who says “Going by memory” is worthy of losing their money to a bad invest


Definitely I’ve seen some peeps tell me by memory and I still don’t consider that as anything, I’d rather have concrete thoughts from someone who’s spent time with em

I didn’t know maestro mini had any changes, I was already iffy on em to begin with after seeing people wait an eternity for their sets

Canpur’s joined my list of brands I gotta try stuff from, UM I’m more likely to grab second hand just because I don’t feel great throwing money at the company themselves

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HBBs beef with UM is his…not yours…don’t sell them short because he’s got a hard-on…and rightfully so…for management and their business practices…they manufacturer quality monitors and simply because I myself had a problem with a set from them…should not in anyway discourage you from buying a used pair


Canpur is on another level than the Mest, be it the MK2 or 3, don’t listen to it! I would even take anyday of the week a used MSE over the Mest, IF you like a lot of bass, skull rattling level of it all day long. GM can be more precisely tuned to an audiophile level with bass boost, even down to how you like your bass exactly imo with the metal vs resin, not just tame the giant hill in the bass/sub bass. The Maestros can get as effortless as the Canpur, but i would say only the GM comes close to the 622b in resolution, particularly on metal modules. Even the Mentor can’t compete on that, but it’s up there in tonality/timbre, with less bass however tight and fast (BA’s bass), along a darker signature in the mids (i think that’s what created its little online cult).

With that said a used Mest might be a great value, hard to beat on its own. Either the II or the III that is more bassy.
The appeal of the hobby imo is also the progression. If you get a Canpur or GM right away, for us mere mortals non youtubers, they are so good, you might feel you are done and can switch hobby.


I think you need at least a day or two with a new set to take it all in, also “detune” yourself from your favorite set. I ve been surprised myself after a few days, doing some A/B/C/D comparison and finding more obvious differences. Same track, switching 3 or 4 sets on the fly, then next tracks, … Only way to really make any comparisons. “I heard this set last summer vs what i have at home now”: little meaning.

Btw UM answered me about the servicing, it would take 1-2 months once the get the sets according to them, so im on the verge, not sure it would be worth the wait as are they are not in bad shape.