Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

He’s quite the influencer…isn’t he…

He said…

Ok HBB…anything you say…

I love bustin his balls…

smart man though…see…I redeemed myself


I’ve come to the conclusion that the 10mm single DD is the Chevy small block of the IEM world…1950s tech that still withstands the test of time


Does anyone have Maestro SE CIEM?

Lol yeah, I was hell bent on jumping forward and not worrying about upgrades only to realize how great this hobby can reach and now I wanna get a feel for everything. In moderation, good thing I’m limiting myself heavily lol

I’m saving up for the big one and buying small stuff on the side for funsies, got lazy waiting for Amazon to get Hades on Prime so I ordered it today along with Kinera’s Plutus Beast. Might also give a kiwi ears quintet a listen and return if it’s wack, singolo probably same fate as that

So far it’s saving for FF scarlet mini a definite buy, an Andro 2020 is a go if I can grab one for under 500 along with MMK2 if under 600 and a Gaea if under 700. Cincotres if I got dosh to spare anytime soon, but for now I’m completely hibernating until my city trip

I forgot about bloom audio, I oughta give em a look too and if I’m close to the one you mentioned I’m gonna swing by at some point.


Isabellae is one I’d love to hear, I heard it’s great for female vocals

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That’s why I love the 'zon…it’s like a free demo

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GM custom here, what you need to know about the MSE in CIEM? (also have one MSE and another reg GM universal)

As much as i fell in love with the Canpur, this thing will always have a special place in my heart. It hammers hard as well, those two are in a league of their own i believe when it comes down to that.


Gonna start usin em for big purchase as demos for now lol, giving kiwi quintet a whirl at some point

damn, pulling out the big guns. what are the blue things?

Resin modules vs metal modules. They sound a bit different besides color (more or less bass)

The best i can describe it, resin gives you a more analog/natural bass and the metals tighter/faster bass with less extensions (or the perception of it). Also some subtilities in the high end. I like both blue the most, the metals make it sound more like the Canpur i think (specially blue module) with a slight bump in resolution. I don’t know if that meshes with the graphs, sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s my perception of it.

I don’t use the vocal switch personally on music, but that can be neat for other things (movies, podcasts, yt, etc…)


There was a GM on bay about 5 months ago…open box…I half heartedly bid on it because I had the SE for just a few months at that point and was feeling heroic that I had the baddest MOFO on the planet…
The GM finally dropped at 2800 and change…looking back…


Oh how times have changed…

Once cock of the walk ( week )…next a feather duster


200 (2)



You are goin to love the Scarlet…and I mean love…it’s my bird dog…goes everywhere I go

Does everything so well…within certain limits…what a warm and easy goin monitor…I love it

I’m gonna torture myself again when HBBs FF collab hits the market…I’m really lookin forward to that piece…other than the PR2 debacle ( which was out of his hands ) he definitely has the midas touch…at least for my lib


Yeah even his Midas touch wasn’t enough to save me from KZ on the PR2 front, I really thought I was just treble sensitive that even a set people called dark was piercing

I’ll wait and save up to see what’s going on with the collab, that way i can save more until then lol

Who the fuck is this guy?
Got to the Z review part and laughed so loud I woke my Son…jeezus that was epic…dry and epic


@Toecutter @apricotblossome I ordered a KZ PR2 from the first batch before KZ performed their usual fuckuppery. I ran it in for 35 hours and then gave it a few hours listening. Really good planar IEM for $35. Then I discovered KZs fuckuppery, so I put it back in its box, for it is now a rare and beautiful thing.

Every now and again I take it out from my cache of other IEMs and say to it…


You and every single one who owned the OG, I hate you guys lol. All I hear is that it’s great and it makes me feel sad when I remember I almost bought it then second it was released but I procrastinated

I gotta find my own precious now lol




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Heard Timothy is trolling around here…