Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I’m the Gordon Gekko of my family…

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I shouldn’t buy AMD now but the trend over 12 months and long term…I gotta grab about 100 more shares and hold it a few years


I’d love to see these two children knock each other out…


Sorry…Haney lost to Lomachenko in their brawl


Dude…you’re up 350% already…

If I had a crystal ball…if only…but all i got is my noggin

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I think w/ A.I and the deal with microsoft it will perform above market avg over 12 months, and maybe find it’s spot after elections
If I wait for a fall I might be looking up for a week or more and buying when it comes back down to where it is now…
Short term no way but for a few years till mid term elections in 2 years I may get some juice outta that

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Its a interesting sounding DAC be completely opposite of the Cayin

And what a beast!

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Can you set volume seperate for each 4.4?

Does that one have Bluetooth? As Bluetooth transmitter? If so do you use it to connect to streaming or just local files?

Yeah…has BT…range is not that great though…about 25 feet

Mostly files…but I use BT sometimes

BT is in and out

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Abbvie just finalized its acquisition of Immunogen…which I held

Stock shot up 81% in one day…was
forcibly sold off…nice chunk

Put every single cent you’ve got into the market…pricing is built in

Were in for a wild ride boys up until November…and then all Hades is gonna break loose

I fuckin love this country


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Looks like its locked on device but you can control with Hiby Link

Edit never mind yes you can.


She actually was the force behind the move.
I was Gold only and CD’s but stayed with Gold Since 15 years ago.
She took about 100 grand and turned it into 120k in 5 trading days.
She rolled it up into 300k since and put the max 180k in a Japanese pipeline to same stocks where 180k per year can be taken out without taxes…so long as the trades are made from Japan and the stock holder is living in Japan.
When we move that shelter dies and cannot be fucked with since they use a new # system like US social Security.
Problem is each time it hits max you have to re invest.
She bought Nvidia again in January in new portfolio while the original one is shares from 2022
So that will be the long game and the Japanese no taxed portfolio is short term because she gets there quick

Any idea why Japan allows $180k U.S. to be untaxed if bought from Japan? It’s still a NASDAQ centric portfolio.
Makes no sense


Thanks. I can volume set to 77dB 2 diff sets of that then. Very cool

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How do you measure the 77db?
I know my A&K says the Volume is in 0.5 db increments not sure it that is accurate at all.

Or do you use REW to measure output on each set ?

Why the 77db?

Download a tone generator app / dB measuring app several all in ones
I can show you mine in morning

Download a 450Hz wav from media college and put on DAP
plug 711 mic into tablet
plug IEM into DAP and insert into 711
Play 450Hz tone and adjust till you hit 77 or your target.
Note settings and volume steps. for future ref
Then do with other side and adjust 2nd set to same
(likely different due to sensitivity and impedance)
Now you can put one sets left IEM in 1 ear and Right in other and switch since they are callibrated by same mic and app and source :ok_hand:

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I don’t know squat about Japanese tax laws…

What I do know is that Tesla made me a millionaire and now after the whole Biden/Covid thing is near an end I finally can see light at the end of the tunnel

What a fuckin nightmare the last three years have been

Should have sold my Pfizer long ago…was up 44k…now under 15…swing of 60…holy shit…I’m an idiot


Are you talking about your wife


Yup, she’s in the business as a corporate head hunter and they all invest…sometimes with hints.
She does well…
It irks me because the “it’s who you know” is the whole investment game in a nutshell.


Yeah…information is power

I’ll let you go bro…I know it’s late there…have a good night