Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Knew a family in Newark that attended services at St Peter Claver Church in what I believe was Clinton Hill in Crooklyn and knew the Wallace family who also attended

small world


I noticed that

Fuck it whatever


No…rant dude…that’s what you’re good at…

don’t take anything back …I don’t

I will when I have more time.
Watching Sean Olive try and re boot Harman like an old guy that is screaming at the Sun demanding it not rise is some shit…dude is dumb as fuck and the hobby propping him up is cringe.
That 1st target was a joke ( and pushed on the World)

Take your age related hearing loss and your bias data and shove it up your herniated ass

People who like more bass are more aggressive?
Ever been to a Mosh Pit Sean?
Sonic high freq chaos old man.
You know nothing about music.
STFU old man
The folks who prop him up the most also speak about music the least.
Thats…faci fucking nating


Exactly…don’t blindly discuss topics that you don’t have any experience in

All you’re doing is talking out your ass


Yo bro…it’s almost 1 in the am over there…I’m sure Kai has you up early so WTF…get some rest

I ain’t yo moms tho…

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We had the videoo games make killers…AC/DC and Judas Priest lead to Satanic worship…in 2024 you got “aggressive” and Bass linked together…
Nice stereotype.
Not sure how any rational coherant pro would mention that non Scientific tidbit while talking about a joke of a target…excuse me…Part 2 of the joke target.


Is Sean implying by this pic that Americans are uneducated and undiscerning individuals…that we are charlatans of some sort…of which he most certainly is

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Yes lets use a group size of 238 people to generalize the whole world of all listening types.

While wild associations are made the whole time.

This sounds like, "Hey we asked a bunch of people if they liked our curve and they said “kinda”.

Okay all we have the 2024 Target.


Nenad…how is the Unity playing out for you…that lack of amplitude is very intriguing

like getting into a car and not touching the bass or treble knobs…what a ref monitor they must be

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I’d be offended at that image if I had the capacity to understand what it says lol

On a side note, does anyone rock scarlet mini as a daily? I’m now worried the scarlet might be too much for everyday shenanigans, in which case I can take my time before jumping into it

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It could be a daily for the evening chill session on a lower volume and a resolving source absolutely :100:!

For me tonight I choose the amazing Twilight and Kann Max and Stones and Sabbath


Don’t overthink the overlook…you feel me?
That’s a guy who said the Jan 6 folks should be executed…and he’s not American.
That pics if you are not fucking around with me shows 3 groups of folks seriously listening and 1 group is oddly not equipped with chairs and headphones or they can’t stand still for pics?
What is the deal there?


Huh thanks for the input, still conflicted whether to dip my toe first or just jump to scarlet.

I might just go if it rains it pours and go maestro mini soon and scarlet later

I made fun of Twilights but man those look amazing

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The Unity to this date is an oddity in the way it does a flat tuning.

TDM, Paul and Mike have done amazing reviews and sum it up pretty well too.

The mids are the star of the show so the treble and bass are never over exadurated and makes other “neutral” sets sound V shaped. It is so resolving in the way that it shows you exactly how the song was mastered without adding coloration.

To the point it has ruined some songs because it shows how shit they were mixed even more than any other set. Not crossing the line to sterile. There is a warmth and fullness to the sound. Note weight is sometimes wanted but that is more of a reflection on the mix than the Unity.

My only comparison is the Resin EJ07m Mike and Paul reviewed. The EJ07m are known to be neutral with the mid bass boost over the OG. But in reality the Unity sounds almost as full but more diffuse in its sound stage. The EJ with the higher upper mids and sub bass boost make the mids seem sucked in at first when you try to A/B.

The fundamental tones in the mids are played but their undertones and overtones are more available in the mix relative to everything else because the ear gain is so low and allows you to crank this bitch up. The way Simon has these drivers positioned is doing something that is adding grandiosity to the sound.

The wildest example was on the 1AM2 with DSEE on and off. There was such a night and day difference in the separation of instruments in there space and added air around them in their defined space that was not as obvious on the EJ.

The graph is only a small representation of the true sound.

In ears have currently taken a back seat to these amazing ZMF VC in Ironwood I got in a day ago. Found them in immaculate condition and could not pass them up. I have missed my leopardwood so much.

Immediately orders some Hybrid Lamb/Suede pads, and there new crescent band with B.B.B. strap. The light does it no justice, I can not get the darker brown color on camera. The wood has this amazing shimmer and prism factor in the light that adds this amazing depth.

In ears have been causing me some ear issues and my sinuses are already all fucked up so i might be heading to headphones again.

P.S. Some amazing hot sauces.


The new Plunge stuff going to blow peoples minds more tuned to Audiophiles over musicans.

In a few weeks I am meeting up with Simon again am getting the finalized hopefully version of the 1+4 think unity with true Open back sub and no sound tubes!

Same Nylon Powder bed 3D Laser printed shells.

Possibly a Stainless Steel Version.

I might shoot a meet Simon Fisk video and ask some of the popular questions on why his IEM’s are so unique.


So basically my target?


I dunno man, I’m really trying to love the Plunge here because it reminds me of a wamer OG EJ07, and I want to support a fellow Canadian company. In its own vaccuum the Plunge sounds good, and I agree, like everyone said the mids are really forward and are the star of the show. When you crank these things up the immersion is great, wide staging, and there’s no sharpness at all because of the tamed uppermids/treble. You get a ton of midrange detail, however, as soon as you A/B them with a set that has a traditional ear gain and treble extension, the lack of information becomes very obvious. When you A/B the Plunge to something else like the ZIIGAAT Cincotres, the Plunge sounds like you’re listening to music underwater, so, my 3 main complaints are:

  1. The vocals are hollow and lack openness/extension because of the scoop and treble dip
  2. Cymbals and end notes lack decay, sparkle, air, and you miss a lot of treble detail
  3. It comes with incorrect polarity and I can’t really flip it because it’s MMCX, which hurts the overall resolution and bass texture

Oh ya, and the asking price is also really high - $900 CAD? In this market? That’s a tough sell.


The Unity in its own right for its intended purposes does that thing great. Can’t put shoes on a horse. I would agree this set is not for audiophiles and is intended for stage/mixing use.

I would agree it lacks in transient edges of notes and can not define them in their own place. The stage is more defused and not as defined but can be wide and 3D. This in turn loses separation with the vocals and the rest of the mix.

The asking price has more to due with development than the actual cost of the unit in my honest opinion. I was able to purchase a refurbished unit direct from SImon when he had one a month back. Honestly it looked, smelled, felt like a brand new in box. At 700$ USD new shipped it is hard to recommend for music listening without knowing what you are buying and why you are buying it. Now if it was at 420$ new shipped it would be an easier sell for more people to try it.

All of his next in ears will be well over 1,000$ USD and lets not get into his other new new that will be close to 2k…

This is not a one and done, but a great addition to a music lovers collection to do something others don’t.

Afterthought ~ The tuning makes more sense the more I think about its intended use case on a stage with a shit ton of noise around, one would not want super air and thick vocals?

Edit: Actually I think you got Goobs a few days before I got mine.
Edit: For music it is so source and fit sensitive.
Final thought: From the way he described his 1+4, He is onto something and it should be very interesting to see how the market reacts. I will wait for TDM to hopefully do an interview so he can answer himself.

I listen to music on average 4-8 hours any given day and these have come in great when I walk to the gym and while I work out or do any physical activity. Something I can not do with my resin 07m. For pure musical enjoyment the resin EJ07m is just better for me.