Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Oriolus Traillii Ti version frequency response graph

$9000 earphones unboxed wearing a $4 shirt…that is 10 years old and lookin 20



This screams ‘dad’ to me. Important to keep your priorities straight :joy:




Hmmm…from (obviously declining) memory from CanJam I would have said 622B was a little more open and airy than Trailli Ti, T Ti was warmer with more body. There’s no battle though, cause price difference lol

Looking forward to seeing where you fall, Chris


I’m not fuckin around wih you this time…he chose a picture for the Americans that has a vastly different notion to it…if they were all the same pics it wouldn’t have been even been a glitch on my radar but it seems to imply that the other countries study music whereas the US approaches music in a whimsical manner…all drunk and partied out. He’s too meticulous to not have noticed…

do I think it was deliberate…your damn straight I do…he has no respect…take Harman and all your statistical analysis and shove it up your ass


Harman is a form of Scientology…a sect that follows statistical analysis to represent a norm…their perceived non-polar norm

If you don’t believe their absolute truth…you are cast out like the sodomites

But we are not numbers…we are who we are…whoever we are…or whoever they are…or they do not know who they are or we don’t know who we are…maybe we are not as they are or they are not as we are or they and them don’t know what we and us are…maybe we are and they are…I don’t know

I guess it’s just them and us…or they and we…or we and we…or them and them…ahhh fuck

Think I’ll just eat a sandwich


To think of the price difference is absolutely insane…

Looking forward to hearing what you think of these because to my ears, I’d choose the Canpur based on the fact it sounded a little more ‘fun’ and alive. There’s no denying that the Bird was Smooth as silk though. Super effortless…

He’s a passive agrssive asshole. His Twitter was filled with rants about America…then deleted.
I think him calling for the death Penalty for Jan 6th folks stayed up longer.

It is not a whoops moment to depict 3 groups being meticulous and the 4th looking like a Yearbook pic for a buncha frat pledges

Can these folks even center the fucking text ffs???

Dude is a piece of shit and couldn’t help himself…same w/bass is aggressive…John Paul Jones was quite a maniac yeah? Total shitshow of a concept…or the ghetto way it is handled anyway

You know how my Harman rant began?
A co creator did an interview about how it was made for company profits by finding a safe tuning. It wasn’t intended to be an ideal curve but if that helps w/profits that’s the goal…by any means necessary…he laughed. That vid is gone. He was younger and had a beard and stash

That was the day I looked into the original Harman
It’s a giant hustle bro

If Jude Mansilla stopped whoring the whole hobby and turned OFF sponsorships on Headfi and Mr Olive just took his old man act to a retirement home this hobby would go up in quality instantly.


Clean beach sand
Train by myself
It was a full day.


“The dudes are emerging”


On a kinda related note…I recently watched some interviews on MDAQS. Can’t say I understand but if FR graphs are obv not the whole story, does this new scoring metric bring any relevance to the hobby? (Rhetorical question)…it at least attempts to score gear according to a broader set of factors. I think there’s plenty of scope for objectivity (soundstage/ real instrument sound)…but in terms of music appreciation personal preference seems to be more important than ever before to people…which is why a reviewers ability to communicate their own preferences is key (shout out @Jaytiss). As it stands, I think I’ll get more from a 10 minute video or post/discussion. More fun as well than knowing that the ultimate headphone is 42.

Anyway, boring…thread heist :gun:


Domino - Getto Jam. This one has a nice slam to it.

Onyx - Slam. Literally slams

93’ was a good year


Agreed with everything you said.

I can see the Plunge being very useful on set or when performing, and maybe as a unique collection for some people. I do enjoy how loud I can crank these things up lol


Unfortunately, that sentiment that Americans approach music whimsically had been around for centuries. Back in my college days, i was part of a fraternity for musicians that was created in the late 1800s just for this reason. The rest of the world was not taking American musicians and composers seriously. It appears that might still be the case…


As an English bloke America is the home of all Popular music Rock n roll, blues, Country, RnB, Hip Hop etc… enough said Classical music is, wild generalisation, the home of elites who look down the nose at, what is considered a new COUNTRY, BECAUSE HEY WE WERE HERE FIRST attitudes.

The H curve is just a mediocre mean line designed to suck the excitement out of music.

That Mediocrity is the enemy of discovering new and exciting ways of presenting music. I dislike it with a passion the Bass needs to be unleashed as it is when listening to acutual live music.


The Harman Curve is to audio what Budweiser is to beer; designed to offend the least amount of palettes to maximize profits; not to be the best there is, but to be the most mundane!


Great analogy, but Canadian Budweiser is better the our Southern Brothers less mundane more achohol and flavor.
As a beer lover I must interject.


In my early 20s we would drive up to the border several hours away for that amazing Canadian beer.


The Harman Curve is what Drake is to hiphop, commercialized pop-rap that most people will find inoffensive when it comes on in your car

Aint no one putting Drake in their top 5 hiphop artist/rappers of all time


Drake will surely cry into his stacks of money and the boobs of whatever woman he’s seeing now (if not married. I don’t follow Drake’s life)

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Of course, the original Czech Budweiser Budvar puts ALL North American Budweiser to shame. And obviously, I was referring to the insipid beverage from the USA, being as I only drink real ale I had no notion that Budweiser had variants.