Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I’m not the one who hearted your son…I wanted to but she beat me to it

have a good weekend


Just finished this episode of Dave. Quite cool tv series with good rap beats all around

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Good afternoon everyone and peaceful skies above your heads!
The sad news is that the speakers arrived defective. I have opened a dispute.
Later I will order dynamic drivers two 14.2 mm type isobaric dynamic system + 2 BA.
3d model is already ready.

All this time was not in vain, made a 3d model for the
Sonion E50DT0005/D
Sonion 28UAP01
Sonion 37AAX007/A
Sonion 38D1XJ00 7Mi/8 a
EST 7mm

Almost Saprur Cp622b

Found a thin cable on Aliexpress if anyone is interested.


Enjoyed the money tree video dispite the old dude jibes!:metal:
Enjoy your youth it goes in a blink of the eye next thing you know your celebrating Kai’s 21st


Damn, that force field is effective.

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Holy shitballs. This dude is amazing. Same; I’m not a techno dude, but this is so good.

big thanks :slight_smile:

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It was this moment that I realised that Gizaudio’s audience is probably not me XD

I’d be curious to see how much more basshead-oriented HBB’s YouTube audience is.


Fat freq got buried under months of backlog.
Bass is the answer

200w (22)


To be fair, I’m surprised his audience is 74% bass dominant (either balanced or basshead). Considering his taste is not that…

So that tells you how much bass matters


Hey Chris @hawaiibadboy,
Do you have any update about Noble Audio Spartacus by any chance?
Unboxing was a while ago so I am a bit curious how it stacks up against the other totl bass positive sets (Raven, Grand Maestro…)
It’s the cheapest out of the bunch and really a stunner to look at, would love to hear your review :sunglasses:


I have to be honest, I am surprised the Spartacus is placed into an any category involving bass. I did not find it to be particularly bass dominant at all.


I can only go by what i read so far and most mentioned that they noticed the bass first.
How did you like it overall?
Did you mention it in your Canjam write up? Probably i already read it and forgot it again :see_no_evil:

PS: found it!

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Yeah they were somewhat underwhelming to me just like all of the other IEMs from Noble :face_with_peeking_eye:

I have to be honest, that’s just one of those brands I have never been a huge fan of. I think they make beautiful designs and very well built IEMs, but none of them have ever stood out to me if I’m honest.

They are super pretty though, no doubt


Every single good deed I have done in my entire life. Every moment of empathy, kindness,caring since I was born was returrned to me ( I believe in Karma and Ho’oponopono) in the form of a child. My Son.

I am so blessed.
He is growing so fast. His character is facinating
His double fist Force Field made me choke on fried Chicken

Every moment is one I’d like to catch in a Bottle and save it.

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty except for the memory of how
They were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you wanna do
Once you find them
I looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I wanna go through time with

Jim Croce wrote that song for his Son
Edited to 2 guitar cover cuz Maury Muehleisen existed and was brilliant

I get it now
I heard the lyrics 1000’s of times and now I understand them.

He has the whole world in his hands :heart:
And Jim Croce wrote a really beautiful song :notes:

Instead of watching vids about ssssquigly lines …watch videos about music…how it was made…what is behind it
What goes into it
Rick BEATO is a gem in this hobby.
This hobby is about MUSIC and what gear plays it well
It’s not about gear and kinda sometimes music…
It feels like it’s a corporate nerd swerve most times
But it’s about the Music


Great post!! Such an honor for your son. Jim Croce is who started me playing guitar back in the 80s , and is why I fell in live with folk/americana music. Back in the college, i would grab my guitar and serenade many girls. I had many great nights after playing some James Taylor or Jim Croce for a prospective girlfriend. Now, I play Iron & Wine, Jason Isbell, and Martin Sexton for my wife!! :grin::heart:


240p but always liked this version w/intro


When I listened to Spartacus, I found it to have a high quantity of bass, on bassy tracks (like EDM).

It was fine but not something that really wowed me


Thanks @domq422 and @GooberBM, much appreciated :slight_smile:


You want proof…85k views…one of the highest viewed HBB vids ever…long live the ’ Bass Nation '…with the preacher at the pulpit

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Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don’t remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he grow to be so tall?
Wasn’t it yesterday
When they were small?

Cherish every moment with your son…they grow so fast