Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Such an pic song ,
Found a cover by 3 Pinoy brothers who cover all 4 verses…and they do it well
Thanks for posting the vid above because I hadn’t heard that in a long time

My bad that was @prashv who posted that.


These guys… :heart:
Hope life treats em well. They only ever posted 18 vids

For the Canadians and acoustic lovers

13 year old vid
Classic that my Mom loved along with James Taylor, Jim Croce, Loggins and Messina, Gordo was played often


Jimmy Page recorded 3 solo’s for Stairway to Heaven
I’m a big fan…never knew that though
2 are still on tapes on racks somewhere.

What if EVH did one of em…kinda


Xihns sent me a TFZ cable instead of a 2-pin (partly my fault). When I asked to replace the cable for a 2-pin they said ok and I didn’t have to return the TFZ. Now that’s what I call customer service. I had to reorder the cable at $0, which I did and added 3 other cables for my children (birthdays soon) all on sale. Then I had to find an IEM worthy of the graphene modular cable. There really was only one candidate…


Got the Mext, sorry HBB but this one is staying with me till I die lol.

I’m not gonna say it wowed me but I’ll tell you I’m impressed with how natural everything feels to me. Absolutely nothing is weird or standing out, some guy said it can be sibilant but coming from Project M and this is like crazy good.

Haven’t “felt” the BC but this has good slam and rumble

Btw taking suggestions for good cable replacements, preferably modular. I ain’t the biggest fan but might grab the letshouer Chimera cable since it’s flat


Glad it went well
I think I have heard several nice things about that company

You are happy, my wallet is happy…#winningx2


Fell asleep with em on and woke up half asleep feeling like I was in another dimension, these things are tight as hell


Facinating video behind the production of “Comfortably Numb”
Rick graduated H.S. the year it was released to radio airplay with the Wall.
Post production stuff is facinating

Also: David Gilmour is a BEAST!!!


For just pure music enjoyment you only need to spend £50 and you’re done. This set is superb. Hype worthy


Only just now took the time to remove em and take a picture.

Changing cable later but for now I’m too spooked since these connections are hella tight

Been blasting Babymetal and man these are so good


12mm DD in that tribrid…lets Go!!


I’m confused - 1 Planar for mids & 2 BA’s for highs or the other way around?

Not sure which I’d prefer.

Looks like a full freq 12mm DD with BA’s in mids to a 6mm planar in treb in a kinda Z1R by Sony config switching a DD to a planar in treb.


Thanks for the clarification.
So this is basically a less ambitious Dusk 2, driver config wise.

Aurora better not be more than ~$249 or it will be (b)eaten by the Dusk 2 which is rumoured to launch at $349 with Isobaric DD’s, 2 Sonion mids & 2 Micro planar tweeters.

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I hope this works in either set.
Planar doing treb seems like it’s hardest ask…the planar timbre.
I talked with Crin about …feels like last Summer, nearly a year and i swore it was a planar in bass which sounded epic in idea.
Planar can hit hard and not serve up the penalty that DD’d suffer from.
Planars never sound “slow” but DD’s can.
It may be another project? OR…the Hoddus stuf came out B3 and Sabre were fails so repurpouse in Dusk?
Or…it was another project?
I’d like to hear a planar doing bass boosted 8-10dB and build over that hybrid or tr(y)brid.


I like slow…sounds pure…there is decay in strings and percussion…so there should be decay in music reproduction as well…that’s why planars sound artificial to me…but what do I know…I live in Jersey


See…this is what I’m talking about…you let this slide but when the Toecutter opens his mouth…“Whoa Nelly!”…you tell me… better pump your brakes bro


You are not wrong…there is something in the milliseconds of unnatural rapid decay with planar low freq.
Less obvious on open back headphones like Susvara to me but with IEM…yeah


You’re right about the open back cans…my Meze Empyrean headphones sound more realistic to me with a more subtle decay… but for me planar’s seem too abrupt on IEMs

Head games maybe…but the larger planar’s with OB in the Mezes have a more pillowy effect…again maybe psychosomatic due to preferences or perceived listening capacities

Are they actually using Isobarik drivers or is it the fake opposing drivers cofig?

I haven’t seen much on the Dusk2 but if its true Isobarik I am down. Definitely works in the Volür and not at all in the Quattro or MM3 & H4 for me.

One way has sonic benefits, the other extra driver count and deconstructive interference with the opposing drivers.
I dont think the driver tollerance in ChiFi are good enough to not have enough variance for one driver not to be effecting the other in that application.


What’s interesting so far is that there’s been like zero leaks, hype, discussion, etc for the Aurora anywhere. Like they posted some teasers months ago but have just been quiet since. Wondering what the delay may be? Or maybe the Timeless II has been their main focus?