Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Clam shell seems to do it for me…to my ears it has a low end grunt to it…reminds me of face to face 15’s…at least it does for me

I try not to speak in absolutisms…everything is debatable


Most important thing in this subjective hobby is to trust your own ears! Only a sith deals in absolutes.


It’s the same as B3 I think they call it HODDUS

The guys who know are exceptionally tight lipped.
Keeping mouths shut is probably one of the most valued attributes in the hobby as it is in life.
I saw a Simgot tribrid that looked similar but have heard nothing about that either

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Super fair. Just seen little else about it, I remember seeing that listed ages ago so feels super far away. But, I’m definitely not in the know so they could drop it tomorrow for all I know

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This truly does discredit everything you said before.

Good points though


You’re asking for it Goobs… :kissing: :fist_right: :fist_left:


Ain’t that part of the Channel Islands? :man_shrugging: beautiful it is :+1:


I’d rather live in that Jersey…


Gotta try a planar that’s not afraid to add a little extra at 300-800Hz. It’s weird to me that planar bass gets tuned like DD bass when it acts differently

Ok…alright…I might give them another shot…where do I dig…but no more than 300 ducats

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Jersey lol, come join us in NY and suffer like everyone else

Anyways I found out I was still inside the refurbish campaign for Mext so I sent mine back but I’m scared it’ll just disappear into nothing in transit lol

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To anyone concerned sorry to derail the topic, but it is one of the topics that I cannot really grasp in the hobby :lab_coat:

Man, my experience generally aligns with yours, but I trust my mind causes a lot of biases that might be the reasons.
My theory based on my understanding of the world would be just the opposite. You should want the driver (same as mic) to have least inertia, the lowest decay/ringing possible to play the most lifelike. And it cannot be “too fast”

The natural instruments have their own natural decay. Mic in recording studio picks it up. For a second assuming it has ideal characteristic it should record the “perfect, unaltered sound signal”. If you want transducer to play it back exactly the same you’d want the driver to stop in time =>0 not to add the extra layer of decays coming from the driver itself. Any extra decay coming from driver would be making the output signal to last longer and different at any given point of time when compared to the original (because of this extra time of transducer’s decay).

On an unfortunate example of sawtooth signal (unfortunate, as it is not the most naturally occurring sound, but it is easiest to represent the problem) - green being the raw input signal, the yellow “slow” and red “faster” transducer

(Then there are people calling IEMs minimum phase transducers, but I think it is just an oversimplification for the ease of modelling of the behaviour of this electro-mechanical system)

Tell me where I am wrong in this theory - I would be really happy to find a flaw proving the experience of most planars sounding too fast and natural is not bias-driven :smiley:


You are not wrong my friend… you are absolutely correct in your observations because what you infer carries weight…amplification of a sound should be as unadulterated and unembellished as possible as in the way a planar presents it… but to my ears the less precise movement of the cone in a dynamic driver has more musicality…more soul…so to speak

In strings not so much but in percussion the DD mimics the movement of a stretched diaphragm much more realistically and terms of music I’m not really interested in precision…I want enjoyment and that’s what a DD brings to the table

Just don’t focus too much on a particular word I’m using to describe a conclusion I garnered from my own personal data i.e. my opinion…because it just becomes a mondegreen and is misinterpreted as such… but I understand your ME mindset because I have the same background…but for now…just put away your…

Oh shit…I forgot…that’s caveman stuff for you young’ns…actually a slide rule is caveman for me too


I was just saying in a group on FB after getting another couple of Planar iems I appreciate and enjoy their playback but just don’t get the emotional, goosebumps, feels, that i get from a great DD iem.


Gave a listen go TE Zero Red with 150ohm adapter, didn’t haven’t a lot of power since I ran it from my go Blu but I’m definitely interested in scarlet mini again, well until I get to hear Duo

Definitely need that type of bass in my life lol

Oh man, you guys gotta back up slightly, I was born and raised on the shore…there are still a few good peeps in the garden state.
I really miss how polite, organized and orderly the driving is there …compared to Manila …that is :wink:

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This is why I have a problem with tube equipment playback…tubes color , tubes distort, limited dynamics…etc, says the man staring into a can of worms…
Tube amps do however, sound great when making the music…for the nearly singular reason of the effects of their distortions.


A few…

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State of The Secret Stash :metal:

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I just had to establish the gag. Now I can be more selective about when I hit you with it.

Thanks for your patience in this process :heart: