Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

who said that, in what ways its better?

I think you need to change your avatar to…


except for those people…whoever those people are


Oh, they know who they are


Humid as hell already and it’s March. Summer will be hell


My wife said that Kai is gonna have killer hair when he grows up…thanks to his mom…that’s not a slight on you because you gave him the color…but asian women have the most beautiful hair

I would have to agree…asian women do have the most beautiful hair IMHO…like silk


Yo the sparring looks fun as hell, I can’t lie. I want to get some headgear and 18 oz. gloves now lol

Kai is such a killer, look at that big guy! I know I’ve said this a lot but he’s so adorable.


I know that you sport the rags just in case you hit the canvas…at least that’s what I think you’re doin it for

But if not…YTF would you torture yourself if it’s humid

I’ve done my share of asphalt assault but we started using cleats and doing our pugilistic shit on grass so we could bare chest it

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Your wife is right.
He wakes up in the morning with a silky golden mane. I wake up with a ratty mess…it’s his Mom’s DNA 100%
He is a riot…he makes jokes and stuff…in his own language but the gags are clear…he’s a really sharp kid
I’m kinda scared…it’s gonna be really tough to be strict which is not a thing I thought my souless autistic mind would have issue with.
It’s gonna be tough.
I am blessed!!


Do it, it doesn’t have to be in a street :melting_face:
Make your rules and go at 50% power and the workouts are incredible …nothing gasses me like 30 3 minute rounds…i feel like I’m a zombie right now…feels good
also keeps you from punching real folks if you punch a willing person who can and will punch back
It’s healthy
It’s pretty much free too


I’m at 215lbs trying to get to 185 by May 5th so I’m doing everything hard and hot way.


That is unexpected news


Don’t be scared…you’re in for wildest ride of your life…I know from what limited perspective I have of you through this forum that you’ll be a great dad

you’ll be strict when you have to as a dad but always remember to treat him as a friend…I didn’t get enough of that from my father

My father wasn’t strict at all and was a great man but it mostly seemed like father/son…not friend/friend


As an Asian man who used to have beautiful hair, you really count your days in the hairline front because I’m 24 and I got the same hairline as Patrick Wilson from the conjuring now


Did you say 30… THIRTY?! 3 minute rounds? Bro, your cardio is out of control :sweat_smile: That’s an insane amount of rounds, HBB. Impressive. I definitely want to try it. I’m Irish and Italian so my temper has been known to get… punchy lol


Was originally a 11/11 set
It was the opposite of HADES and they were supposed to be released close together.
Plans… :upside_down_face:
TANGZU is dope to work with and the model isa legit beauty…IMO


You’re lucky if you have a good looking skull…bald is the way to go…I started getting widow peaks in my forties and started shaving my head…almost 20 years later and still loving it…low maintenance and women really dig it…I’ve been called Yul Brynner numerous times



Yup…30 rounds 3 min each with 1 min in between so 2 hours of asphalt sparring. In Summer heat stroke is a big big issue.
It felt pretty rough today tbh…I was gasping and spit out my mouthpiece 1 hour in…I had enough struggling to get deep lung fulls via my nose


Can’t wait to hear more, man

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I appreciate the love always :heart:
He’s a cute gag machine…I hope to laughing for years and smiling with pride.
How tough to be and when to let him fall on his face and feel the pain of failure to learn also when to step in and say…nuff of that.

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Yo, that’s wild, bro. But that just means if you have to really use the skills, the other guy would gas out way before you. There’s nothing scarier than gassing out in a fight before the other guy…