Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

This is an instant buy.


Tangzu Xuan NV - Impressions by baskingshark:

"The big bass is surprisingly quite textured and rumbly, with thick note weight. Thankfully, despite being bassy, the bass doesn’t encroach so much and eat into the midrange and treble, and still gives some space for the upper frequencies to breath, so it sounds quite balanced for a bassy set.

Technicalities are average, but the timbre is very natural. Sounds like a set for chilling and relaxing.

Their rep was saying it retails at $79 USD at launch (with around 9 - 10 bucks off for early birds), so I think for that pricing it can be a good daily beater budget IEM."


That was the breakdown I saw that made me doubletake. I’ve been picking up a lot of iems to demo/try out and try to make them a part of my permanent collection and I’m hyped for this set.

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Have you thought about CanJam SoCal? It’s pretty chill there, honestly, despite it being massive.

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LOL. My exact same response to flying to Japan from Toronto :rofl:


My brain gets used to stuff fast since when I was broke I just kept telling myself, yeah this is good as I slot in random shitty earbuds I found on family dollar


Yeah, even in business class anything over 8 hours is just nah.
I quit drinking years ago. Flying drunk was fun.
Sober? Nah,



Man the Aurora is exciting. I believe it was slated for release in Q4 of 2023, but was pushed back to further polish the tuning?
Probably a wise move by 7Hz. I think they refuse to be one-hit wonders in the IEM world.

If this can be a better tuned analogue Dusk under $300, they might have a winner on their hands I speculate.


Hopefully so :+1: meanwhile the new age DSP posse be like…



The only reason I bought the Hades was to unabashedly support Chris…the man has given so much of himself to the hobby in the last 8 years that he deserves every penny that he has received

Controversy aside…he’s an ambassador for the segment of this diversion (hobby) that’s almost unequalled in the industry and has become a strong voice to the uninitiated looking to grab a foothold in this competitive field

His strength to stand his ground and not concede to popular opinion is truly unique in an industry so geared through deception and false promises

Good job HBB…


That’s why I left after 20 minutes…I think my wife had more fun shopping for over priced clothes


Just watching the vids and pics gave me stress…not flying 12 hours for stress…I can be stoopid…but…nah
Singapore is a meal a nap and a wake up. I can handle that


To tell you the truth…I would probably just have to endure the flight to Singapore then to drive into the city for that shit show…I would have to start drinking again though…and that ain’t happening

but that area is definitely on my bucket list…and Japan…that one’s for certain

Maybe I’ll just have an edible for the flight

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Come to Canjam London, kick back take a week or two off and see the UK…we’d be happy to take you on our barge for a cruise on the K&A canal so you can all see some new old shit from a different perspective :+1:


U better have room for me too…or I’ll just sleep on the deck


My new home will be done in August, if you come after you are welcome to stay.
If I am in Hawaii…same offer.
I have an extra condo in Waikiki you and the Mrs could use while I am about 10 minutes away at my crib.
You are welcome to either depending on when you take a trip


Oh, I’d be down for that.

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Hangin out with ‘the man’ himself…I’ll regale my grandkids with that story

They’ll be like " HBB who " :sweat_smile:


Ohm…when you mentioned Riku’s buds…I didn’t realize that you actually meant buds…not really into buds but I would like to support a fellow member…of all his offerings…the Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider, and Saber…which do you have