Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

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Ordering new tips - quick, what is everyones favourite tips?

(also, best/favourite Spin Tips?)

I have been having great success with KBear 08 tips lately. They just fit me perfectly and sound fantastic with everything that I have put them on so far.


Of late

Spinfit W1 (Easily my fav. of the spinfits)
TangZu Sancai (Narrow bore, wide bore is ok too)
Feaulle H570 (made from Latex, a little different)
Penon Black Liqueur

Also got the Divinus Velvets, which I think I’m liking just haven’t found an IEM where they are my favorites yet.

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Sony EP-EX11 and Pentaconn Coreir’s both worth keeping in your tip arsenal :+1:


Thanks for suggestions!!
Already have Final E (Bass), Spiral Dots (Wide AF) & Accoustune tips (Good quality balanced)

I took a quick look at the W1 and decided on that. Had the CP100 before, but lost one eartip. Loved it.

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Tell my mom I love her


Xelastecs…Divinus Velvet…CP100…FA Type E


Since we are talking about ear tips, what do you all recommend for someone with pressure sensitive ears?

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I feel like that’s more of an issue with personal anatomy and IEM design itself, since tips have to seal properly to work correctly; I find that with any non-vented IEM, it helps best to “clear” your ears with The Valsalva Maneuver (pinching your nose and blowing) first and then pull up and back on the outer edge of your ear while gently, yet firmly seating the IEM and then releasing your ear while holding the seated IEM/tip in place.
If that doesn’t do it, you either need other IEMs or earbuds, IMO. As always, YMMV.


Foam and hybrid (foam/silicone) tips should help more than silicone tips.


The TangZu Sancai have helped a bit for me. The Divinus Velvet also have a pressure relief hole, but not entirely sure how effective it is.

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KBear07, fx10 spiral dot, trn t-tip, whizzer ss20, and spinfit cp100 pretty much sums up what im using in some combination right now

Sancai works a bit better for me, but it is still a silicone tip.

If you dont wanna go all the way over to foams, hybrid ones will be better. (Examples, Sony EP-TC50, EP-Ni1010)

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Yeah the Sancai will still build pressure but I think it takes longer for me to hit the breaking point. Just pull down on my ear lobe a little or clench my jaw and I’m good. Those EP-TC50s definitely look like something I should add to my collection.

Yeah, although if pressure really is an issue, you need to change iems. Simgot ones are usually properly vented and have zero issues with it. If that is still too much, then either semi-open iems like isines/sony ex800st or just straight up (Riku)Buds. :wink:


Audiosense S400

I suffer and am super sensitive, Moondrop Tips, or foam tips are the bomb.
AZLA has new foamies I want to try but cant get a hold of yet they look good.



I uss Final Type E Clear/Reds, Dunu S&S and Spinfit W1 depending on fits and size of nozzles.