Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Step #1 The approach
Step #2 The follow up
Step #3 a clickable file said to be an example of the in vid promo they’d like in form of a fake PDF or an image.
Clicking in your mail will execute a session sniffer that will see all your browser saved passwords
It will lay dormant till remotely executed and it will get 2FA in seconds and
Reset your password
change secret question
change backup mail
change tel
Sell your channel on dark web to bitcoin and have it pumping out zombie bitcoin stuff in an hour
It’s scary stuff.
Physical security key is only solution
This guy above was just doing a lazy laaaazy step #1
They do this in long drawn out steps to give a person a sense of security
Pretty sophisticated
Not the guy I showed
I get those every single day


I use a virtual card number that is generated for one time use…adds redundancy to security measures…at least in purchases

Your situation is different…you have to use your wits to discern legitimate offers…and stick with known sources

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If you’re gonna be a bear…be a grizzly
Don’t do anything in life half-ass…not that I want these guys to succeed but stupid is as stupid does

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A YouTuber made an excellent video about it explaining the sophisticated ways they go about it. Even the most tech savvy have been victims. I’m pretty impressed you’re that aware.


My Youtube got hacked :skull:
Youtube and Google walked me through the timeline and my channel was harvested in under 2 minutes by bots.
It was sold 30 minutes after it was taken over.
The computer I review with in my vids is my only access point and it has 2 physical keys. The PC I am on now is not connected to Google//YT

Youtube was spectacular in helping me
Google too

The session cookies scam is complex and has tripped up some very very big channels
Scary stuff


If the driver quality on scarlett is good, it might be a whirlwind romance for me at Canjam but sounds like I need to find a heavy duty dongle to power that sucker. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Damn, must’ve been a gnarly experience. Glad it got fixed.

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I think I remember that happening…suddenly get live crypto vids on the YT feed, with the channel name changed. Only reason I can’t remember if it were you is cos its happened to so many channels.

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Oh…I remember alright…lesson learned I guess…glad UTube and Goog helped you out

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I was eating lunch when

giphy (83)


You’d be surprised…you need at the very least 350 to 400 mw to get a fuller sound…my Aune S17 Pro needs only 15 to 20% for most monitors but the Scarlet will eat 30 to 40% and ask for seconds


Yeh, we felt that pain bro. Imagine you went through all 5 stages of grief in seconds. All that work gone, a moment, acceptance - sh*t happens, start a new channel? dam, I still need a second. Maybe YT will help, no one helps. Accept it. New channel, maybe not.

We’re back baby!
Thank God for that! :pray:
(Furiously googles Physical keys)


WTF…honey…get my gun

Seriously…you took it like a man…and moved on

:fist_right: :fist_left:


I’m hella excited for the Davinci, not for the simgots because I haven’t gotten one of them yet so they’re still up in the air for me

Supermix 4 might be a go but I’m trying to cheapo it outta here


Chris, how’s your time been with the Titan?

I’m stupidly jealous you got your hands on a set so early.


I paid full price :ok_hand:
Was quick on trigger once it was “live” :dizzy:

1st thoughts…
Packaging is cheap. (Singularity was special, this is Chifi budget stuff)
Bass. Strong, which I expected
Mids are nice
Treble is a lot more than it graphs.
Turning up to get more bass results in more trebs so EQ would be needed.
Scarlett mini hits noteably harder
adjusted to 77dB output at 450Hz
They are putting out nearly identical (nozzle) and are seperated by .5dB (31.5 v.s 32.0) to reach the same output
It’s the metal shell eating the hit
Scarlett vibes so you get bass though nozzle and body of shell touching your ear.
Titan is a dense aluminum?


I appreciate the thoughts, Chris :+1:

I was not a fan of the Scarlett personally, but the Titans really vibed with me. That Sub bass impressed the hell out of me, I can’t wait to get my hands on a pair.

The shell is definitely a thicker Aluminum compared to the smaller and resin shell of the FF stuff. The Scarlett’s definitely fit more flush and deeper in my ears, personally.


Murders 2 people.
Has no aliby.
and DNA…yeah
Writes a book about it
“IF I did it”
Basically a play by play.
Family who won in Civil court gets rights to book proceeds
Hired a dream team to protect himsellf
Never hired any team to find out who killed his wife
Cuz…well…he did it

Hope it was painful you piece of shit


The Vibe is the reason…

The EDIFIER puck is moving because the contact medium between it and the subwoofer is the table
It is the only thing connecting one to the other.
It dances across the table is why IEM in resin give a vibe and metal ones don’t
The coin is just flat physics. It is not air anyway…like the table and the puck :call_me_hand:


Yes sir, totally get what you’re saying. The thicker and more dense material will transfer less energy because it absorbs more. The resin will transfer more of that energy to your actual ear cartilage, making the rumble more noticeable but not just with the air pressure, but with the actual physical rumble of the driver… I get you!