Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

But sadly they believe that’s true :pensive:



I’ve got a strong opinion on this topic…but I’ll keep my yapper shut…because I’m sure it will be misconstrued…but


I agree that Penon’s way of controlling reviews is unacceptable. Frankly, I expect Sound Rhyme has little to no knowledge of how Penon deals. SR’s gateway into the western market has been Penon.

To put things into perspective; I once recommended the owner to offer HBB one of their products to review, and he responded with not knowing who that is. Quite literally had no idea what YouTube was and how much value it holds. Goes to show they have little, if any knowledge about the western audience and the impact of influencers/reviewers most of us know of. Just look at the recent explosion of the Mega5-EST, due to DMS and

If you are interested in any of Sound Rhyme’s products, do it via AliExpress and you can avoid Penon completely :man_shrugging: Then you speak directly to Sound Rhyme


Great advice by buying directly, I do very much enjoy the DTE900 and SR5


Indeed would you rather deal with Jim aka TGXear or Penon…a no brainer :smile:


Hisenior Audio is not a great one to deal with either as a reviewer. Canuck Audioholics was offered the 3 latest for a slight discount so we we all bought the 5 EST, The Okavango and the T4.

The Okavango got a silent retune and hardware change , the Mega 5 and the EST 2 revisions that makes our reviews obsolete. But since only finding out and seeing the graphs of the retunes it was clear what happened.

I debated leaving my review live or taking it down but ultimately if Hisenior didn’t seem to care or reach out I decided to leave them up.

Silent retunings are normally a good thing for the tunings get better in most cases but there is also a huge case for transparency especially if drivers need to change from supply issues.



x2 …companies need a reviewers reality check once in a while.


oof, I’m about to give an IEM a 3.5 rating over on headfi, let’s see how it goes LOL


I think @hawaiibadboy said it best in one of his other videos where he talked about someone who didn’t like Hades.

Talk about the music, talk about the gear, avoid making personal attacks or being petty AF and starting beefs, by far the best way to go about it. 3.5 ain’t even that bad.

Unless you’re talking about (insert random company name). If you are, you done f’d up.


I so agree this silent tuning revisions need to change. Someone just left me feedback on the Myer-Audio SLIIVO SLT6 they just received from my rec and they changed the socket to a very recessed 2 pin deep insert with a grove on top.

My review said flush 2 pin and whatever socket they are using makes cable swapping almost impossible.

I asked and they said its the new DUNU cable system like WTF does that mean , I haven’t heard of this before?


Youtube IS banned in china afaik so not a big surprise for with low western experience.


I’m strictly talking about the music in my review, the sound properties and the presentation of the IEM are the only 2 factors coming into play when coming to my conclusion. I wanted to keep it real and regardless if I get blackballed after this is something I considered and found peace with. If it happens, it happens.

I decided to give it a 3.0 rather than a 3.5. I thought 3.0 was more fair and inline with what I was saying.


Well if Mr Hui cant watch my video he sure as fuck has a shit tonne of spies.

I left a 2* review Anomomously as to not incluence too much on the AliExpress store of Penon Laquer eartips because they came filthy, protective case broken and hairs inside. It was gross so it needed to be said.

Through the grapevine then directly from that Douche Sandeep Argwal from Audio Geeks tell me Penon was pissed because I gave a 2* review and later praised the eartips for bieng my go to.

So it seems Anomomous reviews are not Anomomous to the sellers on AliExpress only to the public and that Mr. PENON is a small man who cant have a adult conversation.

Audio Geek’s & Penon are a perfect match! :ok_hand:


I love that set but if you invested on a set that went through a revision that is really leaving you with the shit end of the stick, also makes you potentially look bad if folks thing your ears are toast or you were doing sketch to benefit another brand (Hobbies love conspiracy). If they sent a free revision and you still disliked it…they gotta live with it.
“They did send me an updated set for free” is a nice disclaimer in a subjective hobby…That’s how I’d do it

I’d leave my video up too if I were you :+1:


aaa KZ and the CRA. -.-


Biggest problem is only a scale of 1-5 stars with HeadFi not a good metric.

I sent in a while ago a very well thought out structure and guidlines to HeadFi but was told not interested.


1-5? Do you mean 4-5? :rofl:

those that dont get it

Majority of reviews over there are in the 4-5/5 range, so its not a 1-5 scale, it is a 4-5 scale (with 4.5 in the middle).


I don’t get the hype on Mega5EST. Listener started it all but people are giving credit to DMS, I guess because he’s bigger. It just sounds boring to my ears and lacks bass or dynamic trebble for 550 seems just kinda eh.

Tangzu NV is like 90% of a mega5est for 1/8 of the cost. More comfortable shell, maybe lacking that extension but at least it isn’t boring af and expensive.


They are some strange birds over at Hisenior, I love Gareth but I think he doesn’t have much sway.

They certainly take feedback well but it would be nice to get some love in return.

They also reached out to a member of CAA to be a agent for they because of his Musician’s connections but it turns out musicians get a bigger discount directly from Hisenior than thier agents do or reviewers , and as a agent you cant resell for anything- whats the point of that, it makes no sense.