Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It’s subjective but I think the Mega5EST is pretty awesome and my favourite at the price point.

It really suits my preferences well. I guess I like tunings which a lot of people would say are boring, but that’s okay - that’s just me I guess :joy::man_shrugging:


Thats the way I heard it as well , kinda “MID”- thanks Crin I learned a new slang word. I thought it lacked excitement and bass was mushy. I heard its now a different dynamic driver. ???


Aye listen, I really enjoy those “Boring” tunings as well, the Cinno is one of my favorite IEMs that was released last year so, there you go! It just goes to show, ya gotta find reviewers that line up with your preferences!

I think the Mega5EST would blow my socks off if I were to listen to them, but $550 is damn steep.


Best thing about being in a subjective hobby is that you enjoy what you enjoy.

I do kind of think saying a tuning is boring is kind of a cop out at times because that is borderline attacking someone’s opinion but I also get a lot of corporate inclusive training/discussions going so that’s just me.


I just mean I get that some could say it lacks excitement.

Some people need more mid bass and more prominent pina gain, for me I prefer the more relaxed pina and less midbass - with the emphasis on the subbass. That’s just my jam.


My preferences have literally been shaped to this over the last six months.

Low Pinna + thick Sub-bass shelf + late treble boost = Magic


Yeah same, love good extension on both ends


Same here thats why i gravitated to that cheap PULA PA02 so much it just kinda pushed all the right buttons. I still want more mid bass slam but I always want more MB slam!

Thier SLT6 did that for me with the BA bass but at double the price. Worth it for me yes and why I hated the SA6MKII so much in comparison.

Love this hobby! :grinning:


DMS also has a collab over at, which coincidently also gave a raving review on the MEGA5EST which also coincidently have them on sale on their website hmmm :thinking:


Oh interesting :thinking:

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He did rave about the Mega5est a while back, and responded to another person asking this by explaining that he recommended the Mega5est to headphones,com after being so impressed with it.

It is a great iem, a real gem for the price imo.


Think DMS works for, IIRC - so him selling his collab there makes sense. I know he used to work at Abyss and, when I saw him on the show floor at CanJam, he had a shirt on and was doing some promo work when he wasn’t listening to headphones or talking about his Omega project that was on display there.

Edit: I also don’t think it’s a collab headphone, I think this is strictly his project?

For the Mega5EST, that’s definitely more interesting.

Fosi Audio did something similar when Armir at ASR really praised the SK-02; they offered a 15? 25? Off promotion code for new purchases. So, they could be capitalizing on the good PR. Or could be nefarious reasons since this is just speculation. But, DMS has always been pretty transparent about what he likes so that tuning love doesn’t seem too out of pocket.


Yeah, ya gotta have the extension on both ends, for sure. I never valued it until I got my second listen to the Meteors. I’ll never go back.

@ToneDeafMonk the Pula definitely looked interesting, along with the other sets you mentioned. Unfortunately there’s just a new hyped set every week it seems and the older ones become obsolete, so I just stopped paying attention lol




I read one of those penon laquer reviews and it sounded like chat gpt product page marketing page gobbly gook lmao - shameless hahahaa

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:thinking: it sounds like Fresh Baked Bread, that was taken out of the oven

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Sounds more like someone was baked writing those reviews.


Tonight’s chain

Cayin N3 Ultra as transport in Modern Tube mode LO 4.4 Bal to XDUOO XD05 Pro out ot the Shanling ME600 IEM’S

Thoose dual 6mm DD really crank!

I am really enjoying these IEM’S so far


XuanNV still not on two day prime, I’m losing my freaking mind