Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Kendrick using real bullets in an airsoft match


:100: - Thank fuck for that last submission - Righteousness restored to the world - Drake with 2 throwaways - Disney Club murder beats still beating up on Kendrick’s wet, dreamy higher consciousness, weeks in the making gentle shank was hurting my soul. They both old enough to know better & to still be anti-climatic - be brutal on a diss track - DECLARATION OF WAR (or keep that forever bad fit (J. Cole) and tap out early)


“6 16 in LA” cover is just a screenshot of the full cover of “Meet the Grahams”
He seems to have either had a person in drakes circle feeding him info
or he is a bigger genius than I thought.

6:16 is also the quadruple entendre that he asked for after that dumb Ai assisted track.

Drake should move along.


It seems clear to me that Drake has beef with Kendrick as a rapper whereas Kendrick hates Drake as a human. That last one from Kendrick was like uncomfortable to listen to because of how brutal it was. Drake is playing with his livelihood at this point.


Ya that was some diabolical shit. Kendrick’s going full boogieman with that one jesus. Writing letters and addressing the people Drake’s failed is some next level psychological warfare, especially the “you lied” part near the end is haunting. Straight up murder - Drake should NOT respond, and instead watch out for his house getting raided by the feds like Diddy :joy:

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1.30.02 AM

@hawaiibadboy ya word, I think it’s like 11 now or some shit :joy:

Drake fucked around and found out




He dropped another one this time a club banger

This man is a psychopath :skull:


“tryna strike a chord and its probably a minor

  1. A minor as in underage
  2. A minor as in the chord
  3. A minor is a chord with only white keys on a keyboard

giphy (74)

EDIT: Nice pedo pin/ sex offender pins cover…we are witnessing a next lexel experience that will be talked about for next 50 years.


" Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles" :skull:

This is literally history in the making

Kendrick also said he’s got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 +5 LOADED godam he’s probably going to drop tomorrow as well


I am maybe kind of a boomer from a different culture, but I just don’t fully get this beef thing.

Is it more something like basketball court trash talk, so you just want to talk some random shit or should those “lines” be based on truth?

As accusations for beating wifes, pedophilia, involving known and unknown children is some heavy, grim stuff. Talking smack like that without evidence is plain stupid if you ask me, but if it is based on something (for stuff Kendrick mentioned especially) I hope there would be some further legal action taken from his camp side.
Or am I completely wrong in understanding how it works?


Aye you’d think these lads would have better things to do with their time :man_shrugging:


who the f*** is Kendrick Lamar…

wait a sec…that’s Cedric the Entertainer

wait a second sec…who the f*** is Drake

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Not too cool to be named after a male duck :smile:



apparently he or it is a Ring Ding

or he has a ring ding or ahhh f*** who cares


Alex Jones talked about an Island where the elite including Presidents and Royalts went and engaged in sex w/ minors and drugs in 1990’s. He’s a nut but yeah, it was exactly like that…it was so messed up if it were a movie it wouldn’t be believed…and the ending with him dying while on suicide 24hr watch would be laughed at as virtually impossible. But there it is.

The rumours were whispered for years by others.

Drake like many (R Kelly etc etc) have a history some kinda known preference for young girls.
Violance as well.
Jay’ Z’s secret girlfriend dies in a suspicious manner while Beyonce was pregnant
Cathy Koreana White

P Diddy also had a wife die under odd circumsances

He is now subject to DHS/ATF/FBI investigations related to sex traffiking and maybe more
Whispered for years but not acted on


It’s been the subject of speculation long before Kdot beef
People are questioning if Drake has an 11 year old daughter but I have not seen anyone come out and question his interest in young girls. It is a tag a lot of folks near him have held for a while too.

A Rapper needs reciepts when he makes bold claims
Unless the claims are well known
Like Keefe saying Von Zip gave him the gun to kill 2pac and Zip was Diddy’s Godfather and Diddy gave a Eulogy at Zips funeral
The streets knew that, didn’t need reciepts

If Drake is still under J Prince who founded Rapalot records I imagine this whole “we do wahtever we want” shit will end yesterday since all roads financially lead back to J Prince andthe Gov would love to take him down

Kdot called him a PEDO in every way possible. I’m sure e keeps standing on that
I doubt anyone in the industry will push back on him
Cuz the streets already knew


Epstein’s Island…as well as industrialists like Elon Musk and even magician David Copperfield participated in orgys…even renowned scientists like Stephen Hawking participated in orgys…Stephen Hawking…are you fuckin kidding me


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Had a run-in with my garbage man…err…I mean sanitation technician about me leaving my garbage out too early and how that critters were throwing a wrench into works by messin with it

ahhh…the trials and tribulations of life

on a side note…when the f*** is that collab comin


Mean while them rappers still be like…


There’s some clips of Drake being weird with young girls - I wouldn’t call them evidence, but they’re sus for sure. As well as Billie Eilish calling him weird while he was texting her when she was 17, and of course the whole Kylie thing when she was 16-17. Not evidence, but for sure something’s going on.

I think KDOT has to have some sort of evidence if he’s making claims as big as this. We already know Drake’s friend Baka not nice was arrested for assault (10 months I think?) and human trafficking (which was dropped), but Drake signed him right after he was released from jail.

Given who he is as a person and how big he is, I don’t think Kendrick would start career ending rumors unless he has dirt on Drake, especially with all the moles and leaks from Drake’s camp. He definitely knows something :face_with_peeking_eye:


Naw bro this is just disrespectful lmao :skull_and_crossbones: Metro shut his ass up and made some drums.

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