Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)


my chain is Ifi Zen Dac signature V2 because i love the bass switch. Connected to a Topping A30 Pro. I love rumble but i need a Headphone that can give me more Slam. Im more a Person that enjoyes feeling every kick drum, every thump like somebody is kicking against my head lol. Thats what the Cascades do just not as cleanly in the sub bass and other frequencies.

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@hawaiibadboy - Xuan NV came in. Dude. They’re a great set.


I have/had a few of the headphones recommended. The he6se v2’s slam hard with EQ but honestly the Topping A30pro wasn’t enough for basshead levels of EQ there. I had the A30Pro with them and felt it needed more power. I upgraded to the Topping L70 and it was a better.

But from the A30pro the Modhouse Argon Mk3 absolutely slams hard, EQ those babies up and they’ll literally be bouncing off the side of your head from the A30pro. I love the Argon MK3, its the longest lasting piece of gear I’ve owned.

The scarlet mini won’t give you that physical bouncing on your head feeling of bass, but it does have more bass in your ears than the Argons.


Any new tid bit on the FF collab front to offer…

or is goin to turn into a Steve Jobs kind of product launch

you don’t have to tell me…but

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i got a very strange issue with my headphones

My last 2 headphone is BL-05s and BLxHBB Z300. They both work fine at first BUT when i use them for couple hours the Right driver start losing the tremble volume then the mid, bass and end up losing 80% of the volume. The Left driver however, sound perfectly normal. I thought it was a problem with the wire and tried switching it but same problem happen, i also tried using by headphone with different device, same thing happen again. I’m totally lost here. Please help :((((

Sounds like a moisture issue, try putting them inside a case with silica gel or just let them dry out slowly over a longer duration. if its fixed, it is moisture issue, and it is possible to get it in one side only since you might have more earwax in one ear than the other.


Yes, it is the moisture issue. I leave it in an open case with the AC set to dry, and my babes sound like nothing ever happened. But only when i use it with the AC turned on
That do explain why i didn’t experience this problem during winter and why both of my headphone have this “cooldown” mechanic.
But there is something i still don’t understand, both of them use silicone driver. So on papper, silicone shouldn’t any problem with high moisture, right? If they do, can you explain further?

i usually just have to dry the screen/mesh at the end of the nozzle with tissue/tp/paper towel.

never seems to be an internal issue in my experience, but could be a potential if i wore them for long enough and the condensation started to pool and worked its way inside.

ac blowing on you directly would make it worse. or youre just keeping a colder room with ac than you do in winter/heating. colder iem shell on outside, condensate more on warm ear canal in-side, etc.

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Its not the driver exactly that is being hit by the moisture, it is usually all focused in the filter at the nozzle itself. Which is why replacing the filter will fix that issue instantly.

Explanation from Moondrop:
Unlike some other IEMs on the market, MOONDROP implements acoustical damper and filter into one package in order to make precise control of frequency response. Its inner damper suffers some risk of comtamination by vapor or earwax which causes volume imbalance.(it’s actually #1 cause of warranty issues.)

To fix that we developed a new triple layer anti clogging filter/damper. It effectively reduces risk of clogging issues that ends with volume imbalance.
All our products finished after April 2020 will come with this filter, our official store has them in stock already. Users suffering volume imbalance can purchase/replace filter by their own.
PS: due to special design of our filter, we don’t recommend any after market filters as they may cause obvious acoustical degredation.

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Yes, I guess (not sure) that when the filter has absorbed all the moisture it can handle, any excess will more easily get through it and start messing with the actual drivers inside the shell. I do not know if a simple “drying” period will fix that as easily as the nozzle filter.

Best way is to just try to make a habit of putting the iems away inside a case with silica gel so it doesnt build up to that point.


oh yeah, i was just thinking of dust screens and the meshes like 400 and 500. actually yet to have a set with more than just those two things toward the nozzle exit

youre right i forgot about other types of tuning filter or foams that could also be close to the nozzle exit.

a sony type tuning foam filling the nozzle and close enough to the exit would be a nightmare for me

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KZ/CCA is not stroking it this time…the Hydro is legit

One of the best price/performance ratios in the industry right now… at least of the sets I’ve tried recently

And I bought it on a lark…muy bueno


Hope you’re enjoying yourself…whatever you’re doing

Edit…oh…feel better

That’s not a question

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How ironic or coincidental that you just dropped that vid…because

I had a whole day to myself…so I A to Z’d a large portion of my hip-hop collection

Though prejudiced by my love for the Auri and Sony…uhh

Numbness scale:quite rudimentary and nonsensical

No EQ applied

ASG-2.5(port halfway)…8.5




Is there a 10 out there…we shall see

Of course…JMO


@hawaiibadboy - spent the past 4 days ignoring all other sets except for the Xuan NV. Wrote a review. Kudos on the set, man.


That is a solid review, I liked the NV a lot. The sound is impressive, and it is somewhere in my top 5 under $100 sets right now, but the rankings have gotten pretty jumbled in there. I still like the Artti R1 best in that bracket, with the Kailua, Cinno and Olina in there, so this is probably between above Olina, near Cinno.

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There’s so many in the price bracket, each really does bring a different character. I like the Xuan NV especially as just a simple one to put on and relax to music (smooth, like the Kato/Aria 2) but with a bit more depth in the bass.

But, I’ve already introduced the set to someone who was looking to get into IEMs and I think that’s where it’s place is. A more comfortable Zero RED beginner set essentially (if they can drop just a little bit more money)


You got sum legendz right there


Not the Legato just yet Chris…hasn’t got the rep

where the f*** have you been…you alright