Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It’s a welcome adjust. I can rspect their house sound but noteweight is very very welcome. Sounds fucking amazing


I’d probably take less ear gain and more late treble but these no doubt look great for the price bracket!


Quite shocked at that bass level of em10. Looks hawt. Excited to hear it in person as I just bought it.

I thought it would be a lot more, at least double. I think it heats that mid-fi market.


If the upper mids were a bit tamer, so matched hbb’s preference line, it would be high up on my to-buy list. I’m sure it’s not as shouty as the peak suggests due to the amount of bass balancing it out, but it’s still a bit hot for me.


Just saw Supermix 4 FR alongside Elysian Pilgrim and to my eyes they’re similar enough to a certain degree. That I’m deciding to wait it out.

Anyone got experience buying from linsoul on eBay? I got money tied up on giftcards so I’m thinking EM10 is my first Simgot

I’m hoping that EM10 subbass is tops. So far Variations became my top because of it, not counting my Mext which is still in refurbish. By the time I’ll get it, I’ll be a CEO of a fortune 500 company


Tuning is similar
Both really good sets :ok_hand:


There’s so many following your target to a T, @hawaiibadboy - throw in the Kefine Delci right in there.


Sweeeet, that means I just gotta pick between the two instead of both.
Gonna wait to see what people think of the match up before deciding.

Waiting and saving has got me watching everything from a distance nowadays



yeah…I think I started that melee…

sat back and watched Kenyon close the show with…


Still side curtain…


but eventually down in the front row


Heya everyone, long time lurker here. Im cant decide which iem to upgrade to from my truthear reds. My music library is a mix of rock, hip hop, rap and some pop too.
I’m currently considering U12Ts, Mest MkII, Scarlet mini and currently the Pilgrims. I just wanna get a set and be done with heh. Which would you recommend?


or better
…but for the second IEМ you have to be prepared because it will grab you by the neck…


oof, the sets you’re looking at have a huge swing when it comes to pricing, brother. It’s a tough one.

I’d say the best all-arounder in your list would be the U12t, but that’s $2k. I don’t think you need to spend $2k for the U12t becasue, while it’s a great set, the tuning is a bit too safe. I follow the philosophy that a flagship IEM should be a little bit special to justify the price

The MEST Mk2 is light on bass imo so it might not work for you a majority of your library, but it is a great set to my ears, I loved the presentation. Tons of resolution and awesome staging. Very wide and overall spacious.

The Scarlet Minis are a specialty set with an absurd amount of bass. I was not a fan personally, I thought there was just simply too much bass and the presentation was dark overall to my ears. However, I know they’re a ton of fun for like 99% of folks who have tried them. I think they’re an awesome set for hip hop and rap, but they might be too dark for Rock and pop.

The Pilgrims are a set I can’t comment on quite yet, but I’ll have them in for a review within the next few days and I can add my thoughts on them then. Just from looking at the graph and going off of other’s impressions, those also might be a little bass light.

The one set that comes to mind would be the Ziigaat Doscinco for an all-arounder with great bass but those just went through a silent revision from what it seems and that’s super duper lame. I can’t comment on the revised tuning as I listened to the OG tuning.

The XENNS Top is another great option for a bassy fun sig with fantastic treble extension. It’s a great all-arounder in the mid-fi space…

My top choices for you would be;

-Ziigaat Doscinco/Cincotres
-FatFreq Maestro Mini (Little bit less bass than the Scarlets and a little more treble/upper mids for the pop portion of your library)
If you really wanna go big, the ThieAudio Monarch MK3 or Hype 10 are both other all-around great options with fantastic bass and great techs to back it up.

Hope this helps!


grab me by the neck, as in…? hopefully its a good thing hahaha

I haven’t seen anything that could compete with it under 2K :hear_with_hearing_aid:

OH YEAH I forgot to mention that the prices for all these I can find roughly similar cause I found a used U12T for about 800 bucks, give or take. The Mests are on sale for about 700-ish. I have about 1k to spend, but im in no rush too.
I really wish I could test out the Scarlet mini, just to confirm if I like the bass enough…

Xenns top looks like a great option, I’ll see if I can find a pair to get locally. I heard the Maestro Mini’s treble is a bit sharp tho at higher volumes. is that true?

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YOOO imma check it out, hopefully my trusty local audio store has em. I really don’t wanna use Aliexpress cause tax is gonna kill me :sweat_smile:


Yeah, if you’re open to pre-owned, the U12t can be had for great prices. At the end of the day, they’re still all BA so while the bass is fantastic, very DD LIKE, it’s still not a DD with the slow decay and textured rumble from the Sub-bass. Like I said, they’re great all-arounders, but I’d rather have the Monarchs of the world over the U12t.

The TOP is definitely a good option, the bass is a bit boomy but it’s definitely fun.

About the Maestro Mini being sharp, yes and no. It really depends on the source you’re playing out of. I had no issues on the BTR7, but the L30/D10s desktop stack did make the treble a bit sharp with the consonants.

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AHH gotcha. Im not spoilt with DD bass just yet heh I havent gotten to trying out many IEMs, Im the only one in my friend group with this hobby. I’ll also see if I could find a Monarch on sale, or a used set.
Also, just curious…how does the Z1R stack among the IEMs we mentioned?

Ah, I’ll be using a WM1A as my source.

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It’s tough not having friends in the hobby, I get you, brother. You’re in the right place here now, though! We’re all ready to give you a hand.

I have yet to try the Z1R my self unfortunately, I know that’s always the default bass rec. I bet @hawaiibadboy can comment on that comparison. Monarchs rarely go for sale on the 2nd hand market, as soon as you find a pair, I suggest acting fast if you can!