Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

@Toecutter Tesla Plaid you say? electric bro’s are crazy :smile:


The Sonion yeah unfortunately more of a gimmick , cool to see your results keep going!


cross section of society…

in a nutshell…

older people with discretionary money who could afford an EV are set in their ways and usually stick with the ‘tried and true’ approach to transportation…actually with almost every aspect of their lives…so they won’t buy electric…unlike me

younger people without discretionary money are very inquisitive about EVs and almost all polled have a shown desire to want one at one point but the cost is still too high in initial cost…though cost of ownership is much lower than ICE cars once the vehicle is acquired

once lower cost options are available… coupled with an increase in personal wealth among GenZ’rs in the next 5 to 10 years there will be explosion of EVs on the road

I live in EV dense area that has Tesla’s at every single fuckin intersection…like this

Oh…I just ordered a Model S Plaid…bye bye sucker


I’ll be trollin for trouble on Friday nights…on a one way ticket to jail

the wife better have some bail money lying around the house

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Canada’s Power grid and Alot of other countries can’t support the EV eco system. Hydrogen Fuel Cell is the future not batteries IMHO.


Hydrogen isn’t the future sadly, there is no way to produce it at the required volumes from green energy sources. If it’s produced from other sources like natural gas, nuclear etc it’s actually worse for the planet than petrol.


100% agree just needs the supply infrastructure to be implemented :+1: oh and we won’t leave behind the next generations asbestos problems ie how to deal with non recyclable batteries :biohazard::radioactive::warning::bangbang:

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the reason why the 51st state doesn’t build a capable grid might be because…

:smile: my great white north brother

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all batteries are recyclable…even car

:thinking: but even better still no battery needed, Same electric motor,same output, no more raping the planet for rare metals and wasting energy on recycling = Hydrogen :grinning:


I’ve been dealing with marinefuels for a bit over 15 years now. In that sector it’ll be a while until they’re ready for hydrogen. A few small projects here and there, but right now they are trying just about every other option available. LNG for ships is a bust, to difficult to actually make it viable. I’ve got a few projects running that seem to do well. One is a tug that sails on methanol (Maersk is also switching to methanol), another is recycled cooking oil or HVO (fairly expensive and not that much better for the enviroment.
I’m mostly looking forward to see how they fare in using ammonia as a carrier for hydrogen in large quatities to make it commercially viable. Combine that with a promising experiment to use a special type of solar panel to produce green hydrogen ( and we’re off to the races.


There will always be a battery present…hydrogen cars will not directly convert combustive energy into mechanical work…hydrogen is not a good source of potential energy so it will most likely power generators that supply batteries that will intern drive either permanent magnet or induction motors … I believe both formats will coexist simultaneously…and in the case of rare metals being mined

The future…sea water pretty abundant

as for hydrogen…Gallium just might be the answer…very promising as a hydrogen source…

hopefully we won’t have to depend on any one technology…it’s good to have a choice
that’s why I have more monitors than I need…just in case

I just don’t understand the hostility towards electric cars…who cares what powers them…as long as the experience is good…I never thought I would buy an electric vehicle but the fuckin thing sold itself after just one evening session behind the wheel…of the 17 cars I’ve owned…my MYP whip is the best daily driver I’ve come across…as reliable as a Patek Philippe
Nautilus… the car has no flaws in regards to its driveability

Anyways I’m doing my part…lung disease is not a way to go out and if you drive around Manhattan you’ll know what I mean…I’m sure you’ve been to London…ninth worst in the world in terms of air quality


This site has been radically changed from 6 months ago.
Most new threads are Hifigo shills and the co owner of hifigo is in here commenting like a rep or consumer.
“I think company____ should maybe___, what do you guys think”
I dunno Yumu maybe you just keep paying reviewers and stop pretending you are some community member. Send the electronic deposits, and stfu. Again, shut your fucking pie hole and do what you do best…pay.

You never were a fan of Head-Fi, there is a bit of irony when you MODS who are the best in the business, are getting their own threads not only locked but erased for the preservation of business relationships.
Hifigo needs you, you don’t need them. Go touch some grass on a long long walk and lose some weight and get your shit together. Headfi sucks mostly because it is all a corporate narrative and everything else is unwelcome. You are letting this site you created as an alternative to head fi actually become a headfi and Mods are lower on the pole than sponsors who put cash in your account. That’s…that IS Head fi.

And to all the folks who said 12 months ago, Hifigo employs bots and shills and now you get gear, or Collabs are shit ideas cuz…price, unnecessary, causing bias etc etc (now cuz they come down the same pipe/seller as your gravy…it’s different)…So your principles…the basic belief in what is good and bad for the community depends on who is paying you?
That’s cappin
Absolute, shameless fucking, talking out of your neck hoes.


I couldn’t get rid of the banner on of HiFiGo not sure how that happened had to wipe my cache on my browser. Its getting a bit much.

The reposting of sales specials has become rampant and spammy.

It started with HeadFi then Facebook and now has come over here. :disappointed_relieved:

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Yeah, I talked to Mark yesterday.
The Squig will be a promo tool from now on.
He said he’d send an email to squig folks and explain. Pops up once a day for the viewer. You cannot remove or opt out.


I asked the other admins on ChiFi Audio Reviews FB page to keep our page clean. No more reposting sales, It needed to be said Chris thanks for saying so.


Actually, from a current tech implementation perspective and adding some comments from scientists, the more affordable solution is the hybrid cars that use full electric motors as drives and combustion engines as range extenders and battery chargers.


Just saw this too, not happy but also he’s admittedly hosting everything for free so I can’t blame him.

Edit: Blocked everything with Ublock Origin, so all that comes up now is a blank pop-up once a day and then nothing else. I can live with this.


I’d prefer we as users pay for it than it be used by whomever pays to advertise.
That said… it is pretty low on things I give a shit about but TDM mentioned it so i let him know all users will be gettig a notification.

I come here rarely now and a lot of folks are drifting away cuz there are more promoters than buyers.
A kitchen with 50 cooks and 20 customers out front.
Taking care of my son gives me days long gaps in viewing so it looks more obnoxious than when I was online all the time.
Top 5 threads are new by mostly new members (Day I viewed) and they all have brother threads on Headfi and they all go back to same seller.
And a MOD pointing that out got a thread erased…the MODS thread.
That’s Head Fi stuff 100%
Anyways, hope the fam is good.
I’m out.

