Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

System is same for dagging dropping txt into data editing notepad for new squig and updating both and bingo? If it is same system I am 101% in. Money in the bank brother.


Awesome man I’ll await the DM for further discussion. Might not get back to you tomorrow though. Bit busy with work and the fam next week. Either way you got my word we’ll see what we can come up with in the coming week.


So true. I got the chance to demo Alba weeks ago, was not impressed but immediately I thought because it’s Meze people are going to chill it to death or extreme bias will take over their brain.

Fit was great though and more brand could learn from that especially 1DDs


Talk to Listener, he’s migrated to Github and has even more features on his new squig.


If @MMag05 is referring to this system:

It actually looks MUCH EASIER to do it.



This was what I was referencing


He is helping…actually he is 100% building it now. I have done squat… :melting_face:
I gotta pay da man and learn how to up my graphs before walking away from squig.

Maybe my last upload to squig is the Canpur CP74E Frequency response graph


CP74E Looks like Cadenza 12 with more air frequencies
Are there any more infos that you are allowed to reveal? Cant find anything

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@MMag05 for the win🤙


Wait what? Is this more about just having your own site for all things HBB, or is there some drama I missed?

One perk of having all the squigs in one place is that if you don’t have an IEM, I can see other people that have graphed it. It is also interesting to see graphs from different people, and realize that tips and rigs have an noticable impact.

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I thought you were bro…

100% agreed on greed…I see it all the time…

Exercising stock options is not atypical…especially with insider info. Every defense contractor’s upper management that I’ve worked for has done it…to the point of almost warranting SEC scrutinization

I’m never swayed by white collar ‘mob rules’ and never follow ‘pet rock’ mentality
Let other people get swallowed up by the “T-shirt of the week” approach

I invest primarily by what is called computational trends…


Analyzing trends can help identify patterns in data or predict future behavior. When you graph the numbers of any system. Patterns emerge and when coupled with foresight into what society requires… historically has been a key precursor for growth in any particular sector

you have to believe in a business’s inherent worth and not worry about this day to day clown show…

As the Oracle of Omaha has bellowed…as much as the old man can bellow
so let it be written…so let it be done


Gave the Hades to my cousin’s son…

He’s never experienced anything other than Airpods…the kid is stroking them everywhere he goes and now firmly believes they are the best monitor on the market…don’t have the heart to tell him

Future basshead losing his cherry


Short of the story from my point of view/opinion. Mark has added HiFiGo popups and branding to the squigs. I speculate it’s an affiliated agreement with him to receive kick backs. Popups appear once a day. I don’t see why he’d do it he weren’t getting something in return.

Is it inherently a bad thing not really. After all he does host it and made improvements to it like cross searches. However it can also be hosted for free on GitHub. I think the biggest problem is it now gives HiFiGo, potential other companies in the future, leverage over the squigs. It also now monetizes a project that he is using the “free” tier of. Not necessarily a bad thing because the code is allowed to be altered under its license but, I see how this could upset people hosting on squigs.

Just like reviews that are swayed by endorsements will the squigs eventually become subject to scrutiny from the companies. After all if we upload a measurement and everyone bashes on it that doesn’t look good or help the company and it’s now visualized. Especially when we start calling them out in the forum saying things like,”See this isn’t anything special it’s just like X release from a few months ago.”

Just my two cents. Either way maybe having the big players like @hawaiibadboy move off from squigs and go independent will send a message that some of us don’t agree with what he has done.


I think Lady big balls is really starting to piss people off.

Just my two cents.


One must control their branding…you worked hard to establish it and there are way too many coat tailors in this world looking to feed off your success

here’s a novel idea…people should develop their own style or shtick

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@Ohmboy Yes.


I’m hardly on netz recently and am about as drama free as can be.
I don’t link to items in squig, I don’t use it for anything besides graphing. I like that the only objective info (with debatable accuracy) is without any of that. It’s not a tool for anyones benefit besides the viewer.
I realized I’m not in control of it.
I immediately wanted to pay to get back control.
I’m not a guy that likes having a surprise party thrown for them.
I’m being serious.
Autism is real


Let him jr rookie basshead out.


It’ll save his wallet and time…let him get a solid girlfriend 1st anyway :wink:


I’m breaking him in Chris…wait till I drop the HBBx on him…

everyone remembers their first…he’ll be a lifelong BB fan

the little shit has his package wrapped tight…13 and juggling 3 girls already


I think it is best looking set they have made.
I’m bias of course…


Bro wtf those are so sick looking whatttttt

Fully ready to receive driver config & price info :saluting_face: