Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Super fire. I can see the photos now… love the red cable too.


That does look like a sweet shell faceplate.

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GitHub hosting is the way. I’ve been using it for my own graph tools since the beginning and it’s super easy once you get it setup and use GitHub Desktop. That said, I also use GitHub for all sorts of projects so its fairly intuitive for me, but it can be quite complicated for someone not used to its environment.

That youtube video above does a great job of stepping it through though!


I’m in on day one. That’s freaking gorgeous.

I also have one of their Maestro Minis coming in (soon?™) with one of their collab faceplates.

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Whoa!!! Looks fuckin awesome!!! Wait…is this gonna have more bass than Scarlett mini???


you know…

with my addiction…

not helping at all


I know KZ jumped on the Vader name for one of their IEMs but this set deserved that name more. Dark side 4 life.

Fatfreq x HBB Sithlord?

Fatfreq x HBB Darth Bass? :joy:

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My son is Autistic. I appreciate you speaking about it. It helps me understand him a lot better.


without question my little man Kai has something to do with that…right Pops

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Oh hell yeah!!
Tried the maestro mini but it didn’t fit so hopefully this will.

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I honor thee

Shoutout to @MMag05 for putting up with a lot of questions and a lot of work



Can I have this link put in my 1st post instead of squig? No rush at all


These are epic. Ziigaat doscinco beats fatfreq bass imho.

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I don’t understand why I see so many people talk about the bass of the Doscinco when on a graph it does not appear to have a lot of bass at all.


Perfect example of when a graph lies. I thought the same thing. Hits harder than my Grand Maestro and legend x to my memory. I haven’t really a b’d yet though. They don’t even need an amp like my grand maestro. If you like bass, get the doscinco.

Nothing in this hobby feels better than getting a fun quality set that’s cheap.


I just figured that maybe with the “silent retune” the bass was pushed back. Thanks for the info



I think we were looking at QC issues and rig differences, for now, Imma gonna believe what Ziigaat told me directly, “there was no retune” Not all these companies are liars…I keep tellin myself.
My set was after the first rush, sounds great, it clearly does have more bass than the graph implies…I even eq it back sometimes in the mid bass. Is it Bass head territory? For me, absolutely unless the content is really lean.
It’s a very fun set.


Hoping for some comparison… upcoming video?

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Between graph tools?

I’m still playing with it…endless rainbow of colors :grin:

That’s fucking wild…Head fi looks the same cuz of same peeps.


Man I feel 74E would be too enegergetic for my taste. I find the 622B to be the perfect for my preferences. Is it a little bright as well?

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